More information please :)
Do you like DJing? Do you like making videos? Do you like DJing in videos?!
Well then PioneerDJ may have the perfect opportunity for you!
We're currently looking to fill an intern position with Pioneer Europe in London.
More information to follow!
Il post è chiuso ai commenti.
More information please :)
This sounds very interesting to me..
Double Ditto
Currently looking for this sort of work :)
Work? ....... intern = free labour as far as i thought?
Would love more information:) Please keep me posted:)
Muito boa noite estou intersado e mutivado aguardo resposta obrigado
I'm really interested !
Sounds interesting though i am from the Netherlands.
:( I'm Verry interested in this stuff I wan't people that also younger people can be a part of Dj'ing.
yo tambien quiero pichear un video
Me too -- will PEE pay for my travel? ;)
Quoting pulse , Is there a possibility Our audio pioneer pays our travel?
P.s. I'm 14 years old So if there's a possibility to do this in the weekends (I would be the first 16- to do something for pioneer :O)?
I was kidding -- and no, I don't expect Pioneer will pay for travel costs.
WooT!! freaking cool =o)
@Pulse > I don't know, maybe they will pay for your travel - the going is good at the moment - I'm heading over Thursday week ;)
For everyone else, I expect this position would be suitable if you were actually from in or around the London area however I'll know more shortly.
This would be an incredible opportunity; colour me more than curious! Will follow this with much interest... Best way to do so?
This would be an incredible opportunity; colour me more than curious! Will follow this with much interest... Best way to do so?
@Leonard > I will update this thread when I have more info. You'll get an email notification when more comments are added to this thread.
Hey Gavin and Pulse just curious it seems they only look for Dj's in the Uk area and don't have any opening in the U.S area. I will like to be part of pioneer's implementations and future designs team as a pro dj for 16+ years I am sure there are a lot of pro djs here as well who are based out of the U.S that could contribute a lot. Just wondering why there are no openings in the U.S especially in the East coast area like Chicago area ect..
@Nvasion > the only reason more opportunities open up in London by comparison to anywhere else is because Pioneer Europe are headquartered in London and Pioneer Europe is pretty much the mothership.
Very interested in this!
Should be not a probem... 1.5h from Düsseldorf 2 London by Plane and some free day's left from last year ;-)
Making some Videos in Germany offers an option to put some portable but strong Lasers on stage.
Ooo, very interested too.
Caution: interns may be sexually harassed. ;)
I'm Game!!
Nothing like company perks!!
For me it would be 15 minutes of driving a 30 Euro Flight ticket and a 1 hour flight :)
I'm from Australia so it makes it a bit hard lol.
being a london boi im bang up for some of this! so long as rohipnol isnt used as part of the sexual harassment im still keen ;)