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New Retina Display MacBook Pro

So who, like me, ordered one? I got the 2.3GHz with 16GB of RAM. I can't wait to get it.


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17 commenti


There's a pretty interesting thread going on over at DJWorx about this exact topic - I'm not sure its a laptop I'd need for DJing.

Its a hugely impressive piece of equipment - all that technology in a small unit like that - but at a starting price of €2,349 (thats $3,000!) I don't think I could justify that price.

Gavin 0 voti
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Macbooks are generally Not worth their money... Look at a toshiba qosmio it is 1200 euro (1800 dollar) and acts like a 3600 dollar macbook.... Apple builds normal stuff , adds an apple Doubles the price and call it "Design , innovation etc etc..." .... Just quit with apple... please...

Sammy 0 voti
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I paid 1500 for my i7 macbook pro, 4gb ram, 500gb drive, not 1 regret, I'll pay more for a nicely built unibody Macbook running OSX over any Win*blows* pc. the new retina one is nice but definitely priced high and not needed for dj'ing thats for sure, if you did specialty stuff with video and photography, graphic designer, etc..... then yeah, its a nice upgrade, otherwise, not worth it.... Although 2 thunderbolt ports and all usb3 is nice :)

BriChi 0 voti
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Since all the hardware is the same, if you got Windows running on a Macbook, does Windows suddenly become awesome, or does the Macbook suddenly become crap?

Mark90 0 voti
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that is a good question, LOL   here is my answer/opinion on it


I prefer macs over pc's for everyday use and dj'ing obviously, all hardware is not the same, The design, and stability of the shell alone blows away 99% of the pc's out there who are now trying to copy that design, other reasons

  1. Magsafe power connector, can't tell you how many times this has already saved me a major repair if it was a pc laptop cord my kid, dog or I accidentally tripped on, my mother inlaws hp cord was accidentally tripped over by a dog, $400 board needed to be replaced, AWESOME!

  2. backlit keyboard, once you have it, can't live without it, not sure if anyone on pc has copied this yet

  3. No track pad that I have used compared to the trackpads on the unibody MacBooks, there are smooth, and one full button that once you get used to, you are spoiled by. 

  4. 2-5 finger gestures on the trackpad which again is awesome once you get used to it

  5. less prone to malmare or a virus (for now)  yes there was recent malware on the mac but if you were dumb enough to go through and install it, you deserved it

  6. intertial scrolling, once you have it its awesome, When I use pc's browser or windows explorer it seems old because I don't have smooth inertial scrolling

  7. final and most important reason, I can surf porn on my mac and not worry about instantly being attacked by malware and viruses, LOL

for me saying that pc is better then mac or vice versa is similar to saying Pioneer is better then all other cd player/mixer manufacturers because you pay a little more, its not true, its a preference and matter of opinion. Yes they do similar stuff and get the job down, But i personally like those features on my mac which I cannot do or have on a pc which I use daily and repair constantly, I work in desktop repair and networking for the last 15 years in a district consisting of over 600 computers, pc's and laptops. they also have about a dozen MacBooks and about 100 iPads I have recently deployed. The only phone calls we get in our department are pc based, mainly because we have 90% pc, but we NEVER have an issue with the teachers/admins on their MacBooks and iPads (although its hard to screw up an iPad) :)

again, look at it this way, Denon has decks out that do the same, of not more then the Pioneer decks and they cost 50% less, so why do you guys and I buy Pioneer? I buy it because I feel they are more sturdy, reliable and have features "I" personally like, same reason I buy Apple products. 

BriChi 0 voti
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For me, a 15" screen is too small - and a Retina display adds absolutely nothing to DJ'ing.

A 27" iMac though, now there's a beast to go DJ'ing with!

Cheeba 0 voti
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hahahahaha,,, that would be great rolling into a club with the 27!

BriChi 0 voti
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@Mark90 My macbook pro is the best windows computer I've ever used. It is still windows, but the hardware is still all apple. The keyboard and trackpad is fantastic, the screen is, obviously, great, etc. This new Vizo ultrabooks look cool as hell though. Best windows machines I've seen in a while (the all in ones look great too. Total iMac rip off, but nice nonetheless.)

@Cheeba - Using a 27" iMac for DJing is ridiculous unless all you do is DJ in your bedroom. I have a 27" iMac as well, and I love it, but this 4.5 pound/2 kilo computer is amazing.

@Sammy - if you think that MacBooks aren't worth the money, then you just can't afford one or have never used one. You go ahead and think that your toshiba is better than a MacBook. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Look around at professionals who use their notebooks for something other than playing video games and you'll see that they prefer Macs because they actually work in clutch situations. Period.

RyanTV 0 voti
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Given the amount of stuff I've hauled around over the years, an iMac would be a breeze.

Hell, my current CD case alone ways over 20 kilos!

Cheeba 0 voti
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Ways? Really? WAYS?!

Sorry, "weighs".

Cut me some slack - I had about 90 minutes sleep last night...

Cheeba 0 voti
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@ryantv ... -__- apple fanboy , get out.

Only the fact that OSX is some free linux... which apple changed the f... out.

I used a macbook (I have too for school) but i prefer windows and Toshiba/Acer/Asus laptops.

Price VS what you get ...

(Stability and durability)

Apple : plastic , glass and aluminium. Simple Solid State / Disk drive dies on drop.

Toshiba : Same except Glass , Breaks to easy so plexi glass. Default hard drive in a floating architecture like the cd player inside a CDJ , airbags cover your drive.


Now tell me more about your food?

Sammy 0 voti
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"fanboy" comments are so last decade. Get a real argument. Sorry you can't afford a nice computer.

RyanTV 0 voti
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Ok, so who wants to go sit on the naughty step first?

Move along with your discussion in a mannerly fashion or don't comment at all.

Gavin 0 voti
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What's special about apples i7 core? Nothing it's a default intel processor as in every other PC.

What's special about the display for DJ'ing? Nothing (If you are a VJ this is something else)

What about the graphics card? If the screen would not use that much pixels there would be NO need for such a heavy video card (By the way every PC has a 1-2GB Dedictated graphics card) so...

So what were your arguments ryan?

Sammy 0 voti
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@Sammy > I asked both you and Ryan to take a time out from your argument. Ryan has honoured that request so I'd also ask you, again, not to incite any unnecessary arguments. If you want to have a reasonable discussion thats fine, but there's no need for such hostility and bashing just because someone uses different gear to what you use.

Gavin 0 voti
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