I won a similar competion last year with [RETAILER]. If you're in the UK it might be of interest. The Prize (HD1500 headphones) is a bit poor considering the size and worth of Pioneer. I would've expected I full top of the range set up considering a lot of not so well off aspiring DJ's may be entering it would have been to offer them a chance to actually own what is supposed to be the "Best" DJ equipment not just use it on stage
SeguiBPM 2012 Competion
Fancy Djaying at this years BPM? Upload a 10Min Mix to YouTube, The details are in the link below.
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30 commenti

You get to showcase your skills in front of thousands of top people in the industry from all over the world - you should be paying Pioneer for the privilege of DJing on their stage!
LOL...I got to laugh. Only a Pioneer rep would say that, I appreciate you've got to toe the company line, live the company values. I also understand it's a great opptunity but you can't tell me Pioneer can't afford to dish more than a mid range pair of headphones. I'm not thinking about myself I'm thinking of some young aspiring bedroom DJ who can only dream of owning a Pioneer set up because of the high price for the kit. Now that would be great PR much better than any BIG name DJ promoting their gear.
As for me paying Pioneer - I think not. \o/

@Gavin , Badass PR line you threw out there...
Considering the price you win versus the expenses i don't think it's that good.

I'll start my bidding off at 1000£ for the main stage headline set. ;)
@DJ SI > It's an amazing opportunity for any type of DJ to have a set on a Pioneer stage. Again, not to mention all the top and influential people in the industry who will be attending the show. Provided the DJ does well, this could land them further domestic and international opportunities. Pioneer is giving the winning DJ a great kick start, and I know many DJ's who would prefer this opportunity over any gear.

@Si Boogie and @Sammy > I hope you realise I was making a joke.
Like Foster has said, this is a great opportunity to get yourself some exposure. Anyone that enters this competition is likely going to BPM anyway. Its not possible to give out $$$ / €€€ / £££ worth of gear. However, what you don't see advertised is the fact that you get to spend, at least, two days with Pioneer. That includes going for dinner, after parties (last year we partied with Doorly and Paul van Dyk), meeting some of Pioneer's employees and getting your foot in the door, should a job opportunity arise.
The same goes for a lot of DJ competitions, some of which have given better prizes. The difference here is that Pioneer is a producer of DJ products. Which DJ did they present with limited edition CDJ's? Did he need them to help further his career? Or was a great bit of PR for the Essex handbags (English nickname for those white CDJs)
So let's imagine some young bedroom DJ wins by using a friend's set. What they going to plug those 1500 's in to to practice further for the club bookings. Oh yes he can they can use their first pay cheque.
Now I know you can't agree with me on this as freedom of speech doesn't exist here which is strange for a forum.
My last words are: well done Pioneer great effort but you could've done better. I guess the recession is hitting hard
There goes ny chance of winning : )

hey guys
im looking to buy a cdj 1000 and djm 600
anyone there can help or knows anyone who wants to sell theirs

So the full prize details are as follows:
- Perform over the BPM weekend on the Pioneer DJ Stage
- Pair of Pioneer HDJ-1500 headphones
- Overnight accommodation near to the NEC, Birmingham
- 2 x VIP tickets to the BPM Afterparty

So the BPM lineup is pretty impressive on the Pioneer stand again this year:
Zane Lowe / Doorly / Jordan Suckley / Kissy Sellout / Rednek / Micky Slim / Monsta / Dan Tait and, of course, me to answer all your questions and be given out to.
Not too long before I have my video posted.
@Gavin. What's the set up going to to be? Will the winning DJ be using the new 2000nxs and RMX with a DJM900.

having over 12000 downloads of my podcasts each month gives me some pretty good world wide coverage, but still playing the small pioneer stage would be fun at bpm... to pay for it - not on your life lol
see you girls and boys there sunday - lets have some fun! :)

bloody hell that was posted way back on my birthday... how come i missed it and only just seen it now?!?!?
sod it im bangining out a mix, gotta luv da muzak!
http://mj_macintosh.podomatic.com for the soulful house podcast from yours truly!
@Matt I'm seeing 11 DJ entries at the moment so that 13 with me and thee. I would have thought there's be more but I'm not complaining.

if i missed it, the chances are loads more missed it too!
Love some of the mixes on there.. but many havent stuck to the rules.. ie under 10mins, with play list etc... id knock those off right away - rules are rules ;o)
I've not read anything about posting or not posting a track list. I did mis the closing date though, I thought it was the 26th for some reason and just reas to tomorrow the 20th so I better get it on. I did one last night but my 1yr old Granddaugther decided to come and have a dance with me and and wanted to help me mix. I will be posting on Youtube but not for the competition...lol. I think she'll be a future DJ to watch out for.
Either way, win or not I'll see you at the show.

I posted early to give you all plenty of notice and you missed it! Ah well...
I'll see you on the 6th Matt (the day after my birthday!).

@Si BooGie > We'll have a wide range of products available on the demo stage so I'm sure you can pick whatever you want to use in your setup e.g. CDJ2000 / nexus, DJM 2000 / 900 and RMX etc.

ok ya'll.... just had a right ol mash up lol... and filmed it like a sick weird twisted kinda dude i am!
now bound for the reload to youtube... thanks to my narrow super zoom lens you only get my decks and fair hands ;)
any goodies for us forum dudes this year Gavin? or will it be a 2012 (2/3 gone) calendar - like last year lol
Assume birmingham will be a messy session for you saturday night in celebration... will try an get up there and have a night out!

feast ya eyes on my moves... so glad my face wasnt in it - a mixing face is worse than a sex face lol

@Matt > I'll see what's available and keep something aside for you. Did you get a lanyard last year too? We were over run for those. Only two people returned the calendars when they discovered they were 2011. One guy actually said "I'll take two, I can use it next year.". Umm no, no you can't.

my local dj shop threw in a pio lantard the other week when i got my new djm900nexus... maybe the best gift would be taught a few tricks on the 900nexus... my video shows im like a kid with a new toy - dont know what knob or button to hit next lol. while some may argue its all about the memory sticks and freebies... life tools to me are better ;o)

Haha, ok - I'll show you some tricks!

@Matt > Really liking that "I Can't Do Without You" track...
Just got it uploaded in time. You can never find a spare 10 mins when you need 'em...lol
win or not I'll see you you on the Saturday guys. @Gavin save me some freebies

See you then! I'll do what I can - tweet at me on the day @gavin_mcmahon

Love the tribal sounds on your mix SI... is this typically the sort of stuff you'd play when out?
The money maker for me is mobile DJing, the usual 50's to Club tracks but but Deep, Tech and Soulful house is my real passion. I wanted a theme to the mix and it turned out alright considering I was just dragging tracks from RekordBox.. You can see me writing the order of the tracks as I'm playing....lol.
Nice mix from you too. Hope we can catch up at the show.

Lucky for me I still hold on to a regular Friday night gig - as it's a pub the requests are wide an varied, but mainly house and RnB! Mainly mobile too with a few club slots for me once in a while :)
My mix is really ropey lol just didn't have time to get on it and have a propa sesh - but the podcast when I've got 16 tracks sorted will be a polished product :)
The mixer is new so I'm constantly tempted to fiddle with all the knobs and buttons lol
Can't wait for bpm lots of hype for it here in Essex, really looking forward to Dave Pearce on Sunday - been a long time since I last saw him!