@Niclas > Sorry, I don't have any experience with Logic; I'll see if Rik can answer some of these questions.
Got my new RMX1000 last week and love using it with my dj-setup.
However - starting to get a grip on the features in the VST plug-in i immediately got a few problems.
I'm using Logic 9.
When i try to assign the plugin to a channel it immediatelly mutes AND solo the channel as well as panning the channel maximum to the left (-64)
See enclosed pic. This happens every time I close and re-open the rmx1000/Plugin-window.
(Sometimes it even does the same to another channel - seemingsly random..!!)
I corrected the above manually to try the Isolator mode in real-time and latch a LPF during playback.
I discovered that if the physical Isolator assign-button is not assigned - the latch i put on the channel does not work. Very inconvenient if you wanna use the plugin on more than one channel. ..
Trying put the plugin on a few more channels was catastrophy - Then ALL the channels were affected by the rmx1000 hardware although i have the plugin-window for each channel open and only one assigned. How is that even possible... ?
Anyone got the same problems?
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@Niclas > Sorry, I don't have any experience with Logic; I'll see if Rik can answer some of these questions.
Thanks, appreciate it. One of the main reasons i bought the RMX was the VST/Controller-possibilities. Maybe i am doing it wrong?
Spoke with Rik and the engineers -- apparently they're correcting this issue and an update should be available soon. Sorry for the trouble!
Thanks for quick response! Any indication what soon means?
Something between now and later... lol -- sorry, don't have anything more specific. We'll post whenever there's an update.
Cheers. I'll be waiting. Nothing else about these issues on the forum. Am i the only one using Logic with the RMX... ? Strange stuff.
dont feel alone cause its the first thing that happened to me too. im here cause of these issues im only logic .the first time i ran the plug in was in an already established session. it went crazy. started manipulating pans and volume values all over. i started a fresh session and it now dosnt change values. but then encountered the second problem with the controller affecting all instances of the plugin, thanks pulse for being on top with the responses. i await the update as well these are the only2 issues im having other than this. this is one of the greatest things that has ever come out in the history of me producing/djing. is there a way to be updated through email as to when this update comes along. dont know if the software has an update checker or anything like that
also im getting a bug where if you add the plugin to an instrument when the transport is playing it adds like some weird layer of the sound like a delay sounding feedback. if i unloaded and stoped play back loaded it in stop. then it dosnt do it. somewhere along me playing around with the knobs i cant remember what i hit it did it again. had to stop play back and replay for it to stop. i know its not a controllable effect in the rmx because after i do a vynil break and all the effects are reset its still doing it.
Let's see if that's already in their fix-list when the update comes out.
alright found out how to fix the volume parameter and pan moving to 64 situation. in an already established session with tracks goto.. file>project settings>midi>input filter - then check the box next to control changes. your gonna have to do this to all sessions you already started. to avoid it from happening to new sessions. create a template with this box checked and always use that template. or modidfy all of your existing templates and resave them after you check this parameter. one down . this was a big one . i hope you guys can fix this to not have to do this in the next update but PLEASE lets get on the being able to use the plugin on more than one channel situation. im gonna be able to work with the 1 instance through consolidating destructively but as we all now this aint 2001 were in 2012 destructive consolidation should be an option if thats your workflow not a mandate. once again thanks guys for creating this box of awesomeness. now lets just work out the kinks.
@Boris > You know you CAN use more than one instance, right? You just click the little box in the window if you don't want that one being affected by the hardware.
@pulse illl give that a try i assume you mean the plug and play button. now does that mean you can only control 1 instance with the hardware and all others not. or is the work around to this keeping the one you want to manipulate with the hardware "armed" and disarming all the others. if so this is kind of alrigh but it would become kinda tedious on the 8th instance of the plugin to have to disarm 7 and enable one to edit.
also is anyone else experiencing the issue. where when you click a scene FX parameter sometimes just pressing the hardware once dosnt enable it in the plugin? i have to sometimes press the parameter on the hardware twice sometimes even press back and forth between 2 parameters to get it to recognize the change.
@Boris > The arm / disarm latches the hardware to the VST control. If you want to control one instance of it and you have 8 open, yes, you would have to disarm the other 7.
As for the other issue, it may be resolved with the upcoming software fix.
The exact same thing is happening with me and Logic. I called pioneer and they told me it was a logic issue. Obviously NOT. 1 hour on the phone...no help... Its hilarious when you try to automate a filter sweep or delay. Everything starts going crazy. Mutes here, solo there, pans everywhere. I really want this to get fixed cuz i specifically bought this for use in production!
@Sebastian Flores
did you try the suggestion i posted? goto the file>project settings>midi>input filter - then check the box next to control changes. that should fix that issue its gone for me. for automating ive found that the best way to work this thing is only under LATCH when you use Touch it writes 100 parameters a second completely messing up your undo history. but if you latch it works as should one parameter at a time. one work flow ive found is to leave the undo history box in the foreground while you automate so you can see if its doing what you want it to and also to quikly undo what you didnt like.
@Pulse> Any news on that software update?
I've had the RMX almost 2 months and still cannot use it as a au/VST (Main reason for purchase). At €699 - It's a really bad investment if this does not get fixed soon.....
Sorry, still waiting to hear back. Will update this post when I hear.
Hey Pulse,
Abelton won't ready it as a VST either. After installing and rebooting RMX1000 VST should be visible by Abelton correct?
New update released!
@Lenny > If you put the VST in the correct spot for Ableton and you have the software configured to look in that folder, yes.
hi iv just worked out how to load a loop or sample to rmx bank i had the problem with load but now found out you have to remove usb lead then turn off and on to get them to load to the rmx , is there a way to quantise the sample? also i can work out how to create a proper loop if i load a 4 beat loop i have to make sure the track im playing on the decks is at the same speed as the sample or it will be out of time if you load a sample at 128 bpm if my track that is playing is at 133bpm can the rmx make the loop match the bpm of the track playing ? also seems that its quite restricted why so minimal use of the smple bank and only 4 beats can this be improved with updates in future ?
@Boris Thank you so much for the advice, it fixed all my issues except for I seem to be having a slight delay between my xpad buttons and when i hear it in Logic. Did you ever have this problem? If so, how did you fix it? It's about a half second maybe less of a delay.
@Pulse Any advice would help too!
Thanks guys
Nice one Boris that has fixed the issue with the RMX effecting other things in logic!!
I am getting the slight delay, but if you put the arm the channel it sorts it out.
I have been trying to record some the x-pad sounds into logic live whilst its recording but i'm not getting anything?!!
I've tried using the RMX on an audio channel and its own midi channel. Any suggestions?