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[SOLVED] all user loaded samples refuse to work in RMX-1000


so I have various one-shot (mono) 24bit or 16bit 48khz WAV samples that have been exported to the SD card. All samples playback fine in RemixBox 1.01.  and the play from the SD card when loaded on a Mac or PC.

But when I try to go through banks 1-4 and trigger the samples, there is no sound at all.

I tired 3 different SD cards, exported to RMX-1000 from OSX and WIndows7, but same problem.

Is my RMX-1000 defective?


Samples loaded and checked in all banks. I then save the setup on my mac. I then Export Program and Samples to the SD card installed in the RMX1000 via USB ( have also tried internal SD slot on my Mac and USB SD adapters).

The samples are listed and play perfectly from the PIONEER RMX/RMX-1000 folder. I then unmount the USB/SD link to the RMX.


So then I press BANK and 1-2-3-4 to browse the samples, and there is no sound at all!!

Any idea what the problem is???

Now is there anything I should be doing to force load the samples into the RMX from the SD? I am usually in USER mode. It just loads by itself automatically? I need help!




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31 commenti


Nope seems like you're doing everything correct to me. After you fire up the RMX in user mode it shouldn't be longer than 30 seconds to mount the sd card etc for the samples yes it's automatic when switched to "USER" mode on the RMX.... that's weird only thing i can ask is.. are you running the most current firmware on your RMX-1000? you can check the firmware version of your RMX this can be checked if you startup remixbox with the RMX synced up and goto "Help" - "Version"

djkiloton 0 voti
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hi, yeah thought it was Firmware issue. Still same problem after updating to 1.20.

I will double check this and let you know.

Also I noticed that on OSX, when Synced.. the RMX display never displays "SYN" or whatever.. but it does on a PC?

Pioneer, any thoughts about this issue?? is the SD slot defective? I will try a 4th SDHC card today and see if its a card issue.

chris 0 voti
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can someone email me an RSD file and 1 sample that for sure works in the RMX, so I can see if its a sample format issue? although I tried exporting samples from 3 different DAWS was 24bit 48khz WAV's and it still doesn't work... at least this way I can be sure its the SD drive and nothing else causing this issue.

chris 0 voti
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hey chris, try this.. it's the only other thing i could think of. uninstall remixbox 1.0.1 or whatever and install the default one of the disc it should be version remixbox 1.0.0 ?? if not find that version lol.... i wonder if the problems lies in remixbox1.0.1 the newer version and something got messed? I could be way off... all i can think of i keep seeing the same problem for it to be faulty units... pioneer couldn't have this high of quality control lol... on "pro" high priced gear.... just saying...

djkiloton 0 voti
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i didn't have too many problems loading my samples the ones that showed up without problem played fin but i'm using remixbox 1.0.0 still too.... i used it to export using the current firmware though. yeah FW 1.20 installed. so hmm all i can rack my brain to try.

djkiloton 0 voti
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ok tried uninstalling and reverting back to 1.0. Still same problem. When browsing the the SD card's "EXPORTED" sample folder, the samples always play perfectly. Regardless of the SD card used or the OS or this Remixbox software. So I know that the issue is not the samples themselves... so it has to be a hardware defect or something to do with the RSD files generated when Exporting (but as I mentioned, I tired this in Windows7 and OSX 10.5 with Remixbox 1.0 and 1.01.

man, this is getting annoying!

Pulse, where are you?

chris 0 voti
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wow chris that's pretty sucky to hear lol i really hope pioneer comes along... i have a djm 900 nexus i just bought and a cdj 900 and the rmx 1000 i was trying to go the no laptop route and do the rmx as it was advertised a remix station but man reallly starting to wonder about my pioneer purchases.....

djkiloton 0 voti
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i've read atleast twice this same issue has cropped up for other people.... pioneer what's the deal????? the sampler is a joke and the memory must be too??? this is cropping up left n right im reading for people.... the 4 beat/16sec max per bank is a joke as is for even "sampler" standards but is quality control that bad? lol... ughhh

djkiloton 0 voti
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And yeah I remember RIK sayin he spent atleast a year on R&d this thing? and the limitations but why the problems and if ya'll had not skimped on the memory the roland spd-sx sampler has 2gb of internal memory this day in age and costs less.. it's not this device but the memory in the rmx-1000 is a joke lol.... coulda been a "game changer" but not at only 4 beats lol ok enough ranting... this guy can't fire off his samples pioneer where you at?


djkiloton 0 voti
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I think I solved it!

I read this a while ago, then Pionix mentioned to me it was happening to him, but I still hadn't tried the sampler... so I just had a go...

I got the same issue too!  Loading a bank only for there to be no sound.  I noticed the sample buttons were not lit - not even dimly lit - when a custom bank was loaded.  When default, they are at least dimly lit, so I had an idea something wasn't quite happening the way it should.

I played around for a bit and I also noticed - quite some time ago - that the SD card slot light on the RMX is always flashing.  This didn't seem right either.  I had a think... even though the SD slot light is flashing the drive appears ok in Windows... hmmm.  So...

...I pulled the USB lead out the back of the RMX, the SD card light stopped flashing, and the sample banks load up fine.  \o/

Mark90 0 voti
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The short version is, it seems as though you cannot use custom sample banks whilst your RMX is connected via USB.  This applies on Windows, I can't confirm on OSX.

Mark90 0 voti
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yeah I just tried again without the usb plugged in. Tried 3 different SD cards. They almost all showed up as unlit pads, except for one SD card that incorrectly mapped 1 sample to the same pad in all for banks.. which has nothing to do with the saved and exported RSD file.

I give up. This unit is going back to Pioneer.

chris 0 voti
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Ah well, it worked for Pionix, 2 out of 3 isn't bad I guess.

Mark90 0 voti
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Have u guys all made sure your usb is ungplugged from the compter when tryin to trigger the samples? I was having the same issue but once SD card is loaded and I unplug from laptop the samples trigger fine from all banks...

BoostNMuscle 0 voti
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yeah I tried it with usb was not plugged in. rebooted and  still had same issue of samples not loading from 3 different SD cards. Exported to SD card in windows and osx and using Internal Mac SD card slot and 2 different USB adapters too... you name it, I tried it...  Thanks for your help guys.

chris 0 voti
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I know it sounds obvious but have you tried exporteding to the SD slot integrated into the RMX itself as oppised to the internal Mac one and the external adapters?

I've also not investigated this bit myself but, are you unplugging the USB at the RMX side, or at the computer side?  I only tried removing the USB from the RMX itself (as opposed to having a USB lead hanging out of it).  I can't imagine it would make a difference but you never know.

Mark90 0 voti
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Mark90 I know you're of great help on the forums and respect that.. but come on.. no offense this should not be that uncompatible if so... the memory is a joke... Like i said RIK said he spend a year an somewhat on R&D and we get this joke of a sampler of such an awesome input - output (the quant algorith. is the winner in this unit) but with that said this memory problem is a joke its fine to give us the freedom to launch out sd card into a unit at a gig for sufficency.. but atleast give the beast better sampler this day in age capabilities esp... from recbox to remix box... the samples should fire period... sadddd pioneer... RIK what did ya'll do for that year work on the algorthim alone? lol

djkiloton 0 voti
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this should work as the darn videos so far people are having bad memory problems i worry im typing this as i wait for another mind brand new cdj900 from amazon on ups truck coming to me.. to finish off my so... well call it.. "pro set" and watching my chameleon! lol

djkiloton 0 voti
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i so love my $usd k grand couple $$ks dj setup thank you.... it's now x2 cdj 900's slip mode... 2k got hot cue but no slip... sighhh... cdj 900 has HID mode rocking djm 900 nexus..... rmx-1000 oooof my pocket book hurts... ;p

djkiloton 0 voti
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while I got ZERO help from anyone at pioneer, I figured out the issue myself.

There is a sample length limit in the rmx-1000, and of course I don't think the manual never mentions this....

but it seems that if you have samples under 350 ms, or less... like closed hihats or something really, really short, it will not load in the RMX. I have tried 2!!!!! RMX-1000 machines now and had the same problem with a ton of drum samples.

so as a work around try making your samples over 1 or 2 seconds long and try stereo samples, might be an issue with mono samples loading too...

chris 0 voti
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wow chris this is really sucky to hear.... i didn't pay to be a beta tester lol..... geeez

djkiloton 0 voti
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Sorry to get to this thread so late...

1) You must disconnect the USB cable from the RMX in order to load user samples -- this is because the SD card is mounted to the operating system and can not be accessed by the RMX unit during that time.

2) I'll pass the note along to the engineers to investigate short audio samples not playing.

3) The drum pad is not a "sampler" by the standard definition, but its intended purpose is that of a drum-pad.  While they have allowed for longer samples and loops, the design is for short "one hit" type sounds like a drum kit.

Pulse 0 voti
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i was having this issue and the unplugging usb resolved it. still a kick in the balls to those of us who bought this for its plug in capability and not using it as a hardware only workflow. @pulse is this going to be adressed in an update so custom samples can be used when using the unit as a plug in?

Boris Rodriguez 0 voti
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@Boris > The RMX does not provide the ability to play / load custom samples when used as a plugin but you should already have the ability to trigger samples within the software in which you're using the plugin.

Pulse 0 voti
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@PULSE  ability yes . like there is the ability to play a virtual synth is an ability. but the reason i own moog synthesizers is because hands on  hardware and the land of virtual is a topic long debated and i dont need to go into. . thats why we buy hardware to do it outside the box. there isnt a strip system that can be used to trigger samples. in a virtual sampler. you incorporated this awesome tool and now its capabilities die at 4 basic drum samples. even tho most dont like the limitiations of the 4 bar very basic capabilities of the sampler. i happen to have loved its basic ability since it draws more creativity when your not given 50 thousand options like with most everything else.but after about 5 songs those samples are old already and now instead of being able to expand ive been told. na your at the end of the line buddy sit down. disappointing. you say it dosnt have the ability yet the 4 samples pre loaded do load up in daw. why not write a firmware update to at least let us replace the 4 samples i dont need banks id be happy with just being able to replace the 4 since those are accessed  by the plugin version.

Boris Rodriguez 0 voti
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@Borris > If you use a Moog synth as a controller, you've just bought an expensive controller.  If you are using it as hardware itself, then the argument that you want to use the RMX as a controller as you use the Moog as a controller (for software) is moot.  :p

I will pass your comments along to the engineers and see what they say.

Pulse 0 voti
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i think you misunderstood me i bought the moog as hardware not as a controller because i enjoy the creative process of hardware  over that of plug ins (clicking and programming midi knobs is not my bag, it dosnt compare to a manufactures design). i was trying to do the same with this unit. rather than using exs 24 or battery. having never used a hardware sampler i enjoyed the way this hardware sampler layout. works rather than a programed drum pad or keyboard with a plug in (once again for me and lots of hardware people its something about having all the knobs pre-set with 1 function and no programming of midi knobs and just the lay out .especially the strip controller, a new one for me ). if all other information travels through the usb cable allowing for the plug-in functions of this controller, i just dont get why you held back at the sampler. to be more specific the  custom samples feature. as we all know the 4 stock samples travel through the usb into the plugin. i understand i can just do destructive recording if i plug it in with 2 instrument cables. but the whole point of USB or before that midi (wich this unit dosnt have) is the non destructive element especially when doing automation.

Boris Rodriguez 0 voti
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@pulse thanks for hearing me out. appreciate that ,and passing my feedback along. after the last update the unit became awesome. this will just put the final cherry on top if its possible to do.

Boris Rodriguez 0 voti
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