So er... any ideas?
I have a gig in Sept and I'd like to use my RMX. We'll be using a Xone62 so I was wondering if anyone knew exactly what I need to do to utilise the Aux as Send/Return. I think I have a basic idea, but the weird Aux knobs on the 62 confuse me overall...
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So er... any ideas?
Take your mixer :)
F... that.
Hi bro. Here is how you can use it... You need 4 cables TS balanced cables.
RMX 1000: SEND to AUX Xone 62
RMX 1000: RETURN to RETURN (Mic1) Xone 62
Ah ok so that makes sense. From there, from what I've read, is it right that I'd need to turn the Xfade Aux knob all the way up (keeping the channel Auxs turned down)? The Aux knobs are the bit I find weird. Cheers!
I read that the effects aren't working properly in that way... I have a XONE 92 but i dind't test it... I am using the djm900.
Tell me if it works please
Leave u a link: http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/21226456-is-the-rmx-1000-friendly-when-used-with-other-mixers-are-there-any-disadvantages
There was a link in google that explain all about this connections I CAN'T FIND IT now... was a black background with white letters that explains everything....
So I gigged my RMX with a Xone62 last night. As far as the setup goes - it went as I had planned and researched, and how people had suggested.
However, for the record, do not bother with an Aux loop. Just go for direct from mixer through the RMX. The Aux loop on A&H is pile of crap., it was just overlaying the RMX output onto the channels I was sending via Aux, whether I sent the X-fader or channels, so all I got was a double-up of volume and a load of phasing. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to re-jig the RMX direct from the mixer, so I ended up disconnecting and not using it. Another reason why I just don't get on with A&H.
The problem with Pioneer RMX or EFX effect units is they run like a processor rather than an effects unit. In other words, they run as if they are on an channel insert not on an aux send/return. The signal on a DJM mixer goes 100% to the effects unit rather than a wet/dry mix. So when you use a Xone (which sound way better than anything Pioneer) unfortunately it doesn't work very well.
@Matthew > That's not true at all - you can adjust the AUX send so it works the same way a Pioneer S/R loop works.
Love to know how...
It's been a while since I've done it so I can't recall exactly, but it can be set to act comparably to how the DJMs do their S/R. It's not exact, and it's not as easy, but it does work. If you've got the units and any kind of tech experience, you can fiddle around and get it dialed-in just right.
@Pulse - i have this exact set up... rmx 1000 and xone62 - so i hear what Mark90 is saying it does double up but if you set the input level to the same as the output on the rmx and have the xfade Aux say half way it seems to act OK - is that what you mean by making it act comparably with the DJM Send and Return?
Or have i missed a completely different way to tweak this?
I must admit it seems different from the demos i have seen as the levels are hard to get right especially with the sub controls and the main effects.
if anyone knows something i don't to get this working as Pulse says comparably do tell.
As for the direct option i take it that is setting the rmx to master and just having it between the main out of the A&H and the speakers? So XLR female to 1/4 then 1/4 to XLR ( speakers ) ?
will that work better than the Aux loop? ( In Mic2 on A&H - out Aux on A&H - back to RMX )
And to add - the isolator effects dont work as they should - you always have the main mix coming through in some form.. again am i missing something?