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[CLOSED] Djm 2000 rmx 1000 lose high sound

Hello pioneer ! I have a little problem when i use the rmx 1000 I active the send return button on djm 2000 and i lose the high sound for the Channel effect selected When i change the Channel effect the high sound of the last Channel effect come back but i lose high sound of the new effect Channel Have you got an answer for me please

Anakin Skywalk

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14 commenti


@Anakin > What do you have your Input / Output levels set to on the RMX? Have you adjusted the Wet / Dry knob on the mixer?

Gavin 0 voti
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Yes i adjusted the input output button rmx
Wet / dry button ?? On the djm 2000 ??
Thank for your help

Anakin Skywalk 0 voti
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@Anakin > Yes, my apologies - I should have said Level / Depth knob... Have that at 12 o'clock.

Gavin 0 voti
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Sorry i should have said the depht knob is on 12 o clock
Excuse me

Anakin Skywalk 0 voti
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Je suis assez déçu de vos réponses j espèrer que vous auriez pu resoudre mon problème
Je viens de dépenser 700 euros dans du matériel haut de gamme pour avoir un résultat peu satisfaisant
C est pas très sympa de votre part d autant plus que je possède une djm 2000 et 2 cdj 2000 nexus donc cela doit fonctionner parfaitement

Anakin Skywalk 0 voti
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@Anakin > I'm sure you'll appreciate I get to all the threads as soon as I can. I apologise for the inconvenience this is causing you and I'm going to help you in every way I can to help you resolve this issue.

As a follow up to the above, have you tried swapping different cables and ensuring all your firmware is up to date? I assume you have the Isolator Knobs set to the 12 o'clock position also?

Gavin 0 voti
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Je vous confirme que les boutons d effet sont bien à 12 pareil pour le depht
J ai changer les câbles je suis passer en RCA j ai tjs le même souci
Par contre quand je branche le rmx à une CDJ le son est parfait je ne perd rien
Je ne sais plus quoi faire mon matériel a à peine 1 an
Merci en tout cas de me répondre

Anakin Skywalk 0 voti
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It s possible To send a rmx 1000 ( garanted out ) To the technic service ?

Anakin Skywalk 0 voti
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@Anakin > Have you tried connecting the RMX between a CDJ and the mixer to see if perhaps it's not a user error with some other setting? Could you prehaps make a video, slowly showing all the controls of the mixer and RMX so we can see where the problem might be? I don't mind if you speak French during the video describing what you're showing, I speak French (just type it very poorly!).  Merci.

Pulse 0 voti
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