I Love my RMX-1000 and I will LOVE my new RMX-500 as well LOL.. Great looking machine.. Any word on when it hits the stores?
Still in love with my RMX1000 but am a bit jealous of the pressure sensitive (no pun intended) knobs.
Walkthrough video: http://www.youtube.com/embed/Uxcv2Sx9FBM
Performance (kinda basic, a little messy & not up to Pioneer video standards this time): http://www.youtube.com/embed/SQokMcJzAwk
Retail in Europe 399 Euro, 349 Pounds in the UK so roughly $500 USD
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I Love my RMX-1000 and I will LOVE my new RMX-500 as well LOL.. Great looking machine.. Any word on when it hits the stores?
Where did you get the pricing on it? I can't seem to find it.
I want the Rmx -1000 on effects loop and Rmx-500 on each deck
Press release was posted today on <EDIT> official Pioneer press release coming to the forums shortly. </EDIT>
I really enjoy the RMX1000 I find the lack of 1/4 on this to be unfortunate. Really can't use this in the send return loop as a balanced bit of kit. It looks like it was designed to put one between each input source.
Given the distance between the mixer and the effector, balanced cables are not a necessity and using unbalanced cables will not result in diminished sound quality. You'd just need to get 1/4" to RCA cables or adapters.
What bracket is used to attach to the CDJ's, i.e model number?
Thats not a braket.. That the new Pioneer XStand that they are sitting on.
DJ Pete is right, it's the new XStand that can hold ur laptop, RMX1000, RMX5000 or anything else that weights less than 3kg
Not feeling it at all, if the rmx 500 had 1/4 buttons maybe but what put me off is how are you meant to connect it into djm 2000 ? . Also if your using digital outs on the cdjs you may need buy some new cables.
Thanks for that, I see what it is now, I thought it would clip onto or sit underneath a CDJ. As I have a wing stand for my CDJ's DJM and laptop, I was hoping to have the RMX 500 float on top of the CDJ
Here's the official press statement in case anyone is wondering. Also the price is more likely to be $499.
Always a few time-zones ahead Gavin ;) GMT+4
U'know when shipments are expected? They said February- so next Saturday? :D
I believe they are hitting UK stores next weekend. To my knowledge, its a similar story worldwide.
Got my hands today on the 500.. I also had the rmx-1000 but sold it after 2 months. I think the 500 will stay.. to be honest I was thinking to get a 2nd one. Just one thing.. how the hell the Pio's guys did not put a digital in/out..?? a senseless headphone jack and only rca? dumb to me.
@fabio i agree the lack of connections, send & return for dim 900 or dim 2000 & digital , means i skipping this one. as much as i want to try it.
I have a db4 that is completly lacking the send/return, but wished to hook up one to every cdj out.. so goodbye digital and welcome back rca. this sucks quite a bit, but is also true that in a club environment, I bet everyone to spot the difference between digital and rca connections.
IMO I think the headphone jack is useless.. they should of gave it the proper connections.. although it has a few new features then the RMX-1000 which are cool.. Its still NOT a 1000.. And you can still do a lot more with the 1000.. so giving the 500 some decent connections should of been a no brainer.. Fabio not sure I can understand you returning the RMX 1000?? I think its probably the best piece of dj gear Pioneer has come out with in a long time.. It has totally changed the way i dj.. I love it.. I will get the 500 and add it to the setup.. But I'm sure the 1000 will still be my #1 go to effects machine.
bof... found myself in using only the right side of the rmx1000.. and sold it.. not missing efx as the mixer is a db4, but I really falled in love with the 500. the pressure knobs are just pure joy. maybe you wont like it heheheheh.. please come back to this thread when you try it to share your thoughts!
I am wondering the same as** xdallas**.
I have the 1000 with the djm900 and wondered about running maybe the 1000 on the master with the 500 over the S/R or possibly the other way around. i love the 1000 but I find myself only using the right side alot more. Do you think there is any advantage of adding the 500 to the setup. Being a pioneer geek for many years it seem a good way to go but unsure if I will gain anything. cheers guys
@Michael > Connect 'em all up via S/R:
Mixer -> RMX1000 -> RMX500 -> Mixer.
Mixer SEND to the RMX1000 "IN" then RMX 1000 "OUT" to the RMX 500 "IN" and the RMX 500 "OUT" to Mixer RETURN… I think?? LOL
@Pete > Yep!
why do you guys always give me good reasons to spend more money. hahaha. I think ill die still paying back the price of my pioneer addiction. @gavin, I think u just sold it.
any discount???
Woo! Just thinking of all the lovely commission I'll make! (zero).
Shop around and you may be able to get your retailer to throw in some freebies!
quick question.
can a combination of connections be used with the 1000 i.e TRS jack in to 1000, RCA out 1000 to 500 RCA in
Sure, that works just fine. Alternatively, buy two 500s and put one between each CDJ and the mixer ;)
yeah gavin thanks for that.
are they on BOGOF!!!!
this is what I did, but I'm having some serious peaking problem, depending on the settings, on the mixer or on the rmxs500..
yeah i did wonder about peaks with the two together. one on each channel would be great but seriously over the top. well maybe if I had an endless pit of money anyway.