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CDJ-1000 MK3 CD don't come out

My CDJ-1000 MK3 has a problem when I'm pressing the EJECT button.

On the display the animation is shown that the CD is coming out, but the CD don't come out.

The player crackels some seconds an the CD is still inside the player.

When I'm hitting the player on my table from a high of 5cm (2-3 inches) the CD will come out.

Sometimes I have to hit it four or five times. Somtimes a little bit harder.

Any ideas what kind of problem the player has?

There is no paper or anything else in the player....





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4 commenti


Frank > First off, don't hit or drop your player, you only stand to do further damage to the unit.

You can try the force-eject pin, located on the bottom of the player -- remove it and try forcing the CD to eject by inserting the pin into the hole near the CD slot on the front of the unit.

If using the pin to force an eject once doesn't clear the problem, you may need to have the player serviced; technical support contacts are located to the right.  --->

Pulse 0 voti
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I've tried to use that kind of bin. A couple of minutes ago, IVe opend the player and saw a pair of 4 cables which are connectet to a flexible white switch or something right of the jog wheel. Coud it happend, that those cables disturb the load mechanism? I've bend the cables more in directons of the jog wheel. After closing the player, plug it in and tested more than 10 different CD's all of them were ejected without any problems...

Coud that have been the error? Can't believe.

Sometimes before I've opend the CDJ, there were also no problem while ejecting.

What do You think?

Frank 0 voti
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Frank > It's certainly possible that it's due to the cable harness being in the way -- if it works now, great!

Pulse 0 voti
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Thanks.. If it will happen again, I will send the player to a repair center...


Have a nice day....

Frank 0 voti
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