@Marco > First off, are you sure your USB sticks are formatted to FAT? And secondly, what are the audio file types you are trying to play?
Okay guys, here is the problem:
I recently bought 2 CDJ400 playerswith DJM 400 and they can't read files from USB, I tried 3-4 of them and always the same problem.
-Then I deleted those files and exported my playlist to USB (somewhere around 2-3 GB of music) from GOM audio player eith folder name and numbers from 001. and so on...
Really strange, I have read many articles and forums, asked some DJ-s, no one knows what is wrong :/
I even tried later to put somewhere around 150 songs directly by copy/paste on USB and again same thing...
Please help :)
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@Marco > First off, are you sure your USB sticks are formatted to FAT? And secondly, what are the audio file types you are trying to play?
Yes, FAT 32 formatted, tried FAT16, too. I'm trying to play mp3 files.
Do you think the problem is with GOM audio player and exporting music to stick starting with number 001, etc?
I don't know, yesterday I copied 250 songs to second USB (I tried it before, too) and CDJ played songs without any problem, so maybe it is something wrong with my old USB stick?
Today I'll try to export songs again through GOM player to that stick again and see will it work (week ago I couldn't, but now I don't know what to think anymore).
@Marco > I've never used GOM so I can't say for certain but I also don't understand why you are using it....?
Just export the tracks using the folder view on the computer - don't use any type of software program.
I use it because I have sorted music in many folders on my computer, so i make playlist of songs I want to play in Gom player (or Winamp for example too)and then export them from all those folders directly to USB, I don't wanna go to search 100 folders everytime i want to use those songs or copy them to some other device, I have already saved playlist and that makes things easier for me...
Is there any easier choice?
Just try and drag the content to the sticks without using any other software and try and eliminate GOM.
Try the raw mp3's on the sticks.
Again drag & drop is taking much more time for searching and transfering music than this. This is raw mp3 Gom just adds number before efore song (and by that means he only renames it a little) and everything else is the same. Or at least it should be the same.
One more reason why I like this way is because I have songs in order i like them when I do this...I start with slow tech house and minimal songs and make transition to faster songs later...If I just drag and drop songs to USB, CDJ reads them later in alphabetical order and everything is messed up then.
Everything works fine on new USB stick now, I exported songs through GOM and I can't see any problems ...
I suppose that the old one just doesn't fit, don't know why, he shouldn't be so much slower...
@Marco > What was the older brand USB stick you were using and what is the newer one?
VERBATIM, both of them.
But the old one was 4 years old I think. Although served me well all these years.
@Marco > If you get the opportunity I would buy some newer USB sticks such as a Corsair Stealth
Yes, i would like two of them very much, but that is not in my financial plan right now :)
Thanks for advice, I'll look for it in the future.
@Marco > You're welcome.