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[SOLVED] CDJ 800 Problem (I hope I can find support for it here!)

Hey all,


My friend is having problems with her CDJ-800 MK1.  Here's the deal (this is what she sent me):

"As you know my CDJ has been having some problems.  Sometimes it will be fine and then other times the problem will appear and I don't know how to get it to go away.  It will be playing fine and then all of a sudden it will poop out on me, as if I am holding my finger down on the platter.  Both the cue and play buttons are flashing, indicating the cdj is still playing the track but the music completely stops. It's basically locked up.  If I spin the jog wheel the track will move forward but will stop when I stop spinning the jog wheel.  

I looked up some tutorials on youtube and I thought it was a problem with the little axles inside... when I opened it up some were really grimy so I cleaned them off and replaced a broken one.  Still no go.  Also stretched out the springs.  That didn't help either.  

I think there is a problem with the lazers?  I mentioned to you that sometimes I would rest my elbow on the platter when I was selecting the next track.  Oops :(

It will work in vinyl mode though but then I lose a lot of functionality. "


Can anyone help?  We'd **REALLY **appreciate it!


DJ Whrr

DJ Whrr

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@Whrr > This is obviously a hardware related problem and, for that reason, we'd like to point you in the direction of technical support. The links are in the column on the left for your area >>

She'll need to take the unit to a service centre who will be able to repair and re-align the laser for her.

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