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[SOLVED] US CDJ-800 MK2 power issues

so picked up the above off a guy a few months back, had a step down transformer on the plug so it would work. in the meantime i managed to break the transformer and now can't find a working one. i picked up one of [URL="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190610465683&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123"]these[/URL] a few weeks before the breakage of the original one and no joy, just getting an error on the display(will post the error when i get home, but from what i have read previously it just means the unit isn't getting enough power). when i plugged back in the original, it worked fine(obviously only until i dropped that one and destroyed it)


would be delighted of any help! also, would it be possible to swap out the american power boards and just replace them with uk/eu ones so i never have this problem again? picking up an import decks was one of the biggest mistakes I've made!!!

Marc Sparks McCarthy

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@Marc > Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble - its obviously costing you more in the long run having purchased this way. 

I'd advise you to visit this page in order to get technical support and order spare parts: http://www.pioneer.eu/uk/support/page.html

Gavin 0 voti
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Hi Gavin, cheers for that. the error is E-8709, which suggests a communication error from my most recent reading. thing is though, i only get this when i use the above transformer. is there a list of authored service partners in ireland that you could direct me to? I'm in cork, so id be hoping there is someone close by....

Marc Sparks McCarthy 0 voti
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@Marc > Cork?! We're practically neighbours. Here's the contact details of the authorised service centre in Ireland - they should be able to help you source parts:

Lawless Bros. Service

Unit 7, Kinsealy Business Pk


T: +353 1 828 3440 / 845 6986

John Lawless

Gavin 0 voti
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