@Johnboy > Please see here: http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/20388762-announcement-concerning-master-tempo-looping-and-mp3-playback
Every time I use it I always, always have to push the jog wheel of the CDJ2000 I'm looping forward to keep it inline with the other track. All my tracks have been analized through Record Box and I'm talking about how I use it at the begining of a track with the Cue so it's not me just miss hitting it. I've been DJing for years so It's not the end of the world but this problem that should be investigated and fixed in future Fireware. This is not in quantization either because that is another whole story of inaccuracy so that's another post I'll hit later. I'm not a hater! I've been using Pioneer only for 15 years + but I think the older equipment had more thought put into our products then now. Lets get this right Pioneer please.
Il post è chiuso ai commenti.
@Johnboy > Please see here: http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/20388762-announcement-concerning-master-tempo-looping-and-mp3-playback
This still hasnt been fixed, using the auto loop button under the 'In' and 'Out' nearly always loops slightly too wide.
Meaning constant pushing forward as John mentions. (Using v4.05)
@Tom > Do you have Quantize enabled?
Quantize is enabled, but I havnt noticed the 'Qauntize' indicator on the display when playing CD.
I havnt tried looping with Rekordbox playlists yet.
Quantised loops don't work with CDs Tom, only rekordbox analysed files.
@Tom > I made a video that talks about this. Please check HERE if you're interested. :)
Thanks Phil, I wasnt aware of that.
However, once the player has detected the tempo of the CD track accurately I cant understand why it should be an issue to create a loop at the correct length to maintain that tempo. Especially as 9 times out of 10 the auto loop button seems to get it .05 too late.
If this was adjusted in the next software update 9 times out of 10 the loop would be correct.
Nice vid Foster, explains it well.
Useing autoloops is really never a good thing, the only Autos that worx is when useing T2P and a analyzed beatgrid.
other than that, go with instnct and touch of your fingers ;) it worx for me
/Martin db
@Martin > If you didn't check out my video, I explain Rekordbox analyzes your file which provides you with Quantized loops and the auto 4-beat loop works perfectly in sync. ;)
Great Video Foster! Posted it on my page for all CDJ2000 users that are still using CDs & un-analyzed USB/SD cards to know what they're missing out on... ;)
Thanks @maDJam, I appreciate it! Hopefully it converts some of them over. :)
4 beat loop / loop cutter still not working properly on FW 4.10
@ Gavin and Pulse > please pay attention to this.
Using files analyzed on RB, flash drive as a source, Quantize turned on.
The 4 beat loop / loop cutter button fails to set the right length for the loop ONLY WHEN IS PRESSED WHILST THE PLAYER IS RESTING IN CUE MODE !!! If u use it to create a real time 4 beat loop it will work perfect, like when creating a real time cue using in/out buttons. But when u try to create the loop whilst the player is in cue mode, it will fail. From what i've noticed, it always creates a longer loop.
Here is the perfect example for replicating the issue :
quantize is on
1 - load a track ( it must be the same one) onto 2 cdj-2000 players
2 - create a a real time cue in the same place on both players (this is for creating the perfect conditions)
3 - create a 4 beat loop on each one of them, on one player press the the 4 beat loop button, on the other player just press play and hit the loop out button after 4 beats.
4 - press cue button on both players
5 - now press play on both players at the same time and beat match them using the jog wheel. Or u can use the crossfader start function on djm 800 to start the both players at the same time , perfectly in sync.
You will notice they will get out of sync quite rapidly.
This is because the 4 beat loop button creates a longer loop than it should. I repeat , it only happens when used whilst the player is in cue mode . If u press it while the cdj2000 is playing, it will create the perfect loop. This loop would stay in sync forever with the one created using in/out buttons.
I gave u the perfect example to replicate it and show to the engineers. I do not think is hard to fix this, that button just does not follow the grid as it should , when is pressed whilst player is in cue mode .
There are many well known djs using 4 beat loops in traktor. 3-4 channels , some of them playing loops that stay perfectly in sync for a long time. This lets u use your imagination, to be creative instead of adjusting a loop. I know that now the cdj2000 players and rekordbox are better than ever (and i thank to pioneer for that), i know that i can build that perfect loop that i am talking about by using in / out buttons. But the loop cutter is still there and it needs to work properly. Its function is to create a 4 beat loop and to start the player when in cue mode. For the moment is not working properly and i think it was not taken in serious by the engineers . I reported this a while ago, as well as other djs did.
With this button fixed + the new option for auto cue (in which the auto cue would be created at the grid / line nearest the first raising signal ), the cdj2000' would be perfect. Well , there are always small things, but this is the last big issue (as much as i know),this 4 beat loop / loop cutter button.
Thanks for reading the entire message and reporting this problem, as well as the way to reproduce it, to the pioneer engineers .
And sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooong message !!! LOL
@Marian > Thanks for taking the time to respond again - I know the point you are getting at from this post and the one about the quantized auto loop. I've sent both suggestions forward to the development team.
@ Gavin
Thanks for the reply
Did u mean the other post regarding quantized auto CUE ?
Yes, this button has an issue and needs to be fixed.
The quantized auto cue is a request, and i think this feature will be a very helpful one
Together with the fixed 4 beat loop button would be even more powerful .
My apologies, yes, quantized auto-cue.
I sign down here. Cheers Marian!
I hope they get this cdj really working 100% for good.
Thanks Marian, nice post, i will experiment with on the fly loops a little more tonight, but they are definitely NOT always correct and using the loopcutter is always a disaster!
yeap, nice one !!
As replied to @Marian previously, the problem exists as the initial cue may not be on a grid point for the quantization to be perfect when pressing the 4-beat-loop button directly from the auto-cue. It has already been passed to engineers but as this is a low priority problem, don't pounce on every firmware update waiting for it.
@ Pulse
No, that's not right !
Maybe u didn't read my entire post, or i failed to make myself clear (due to my bad english).
At point 2 i wrote :
2 - create a a REAL TIME cue points in the same place on both players (this is for creating the perfect conditions).
So , creating real time cue points whilst the quantize is turned on, means the cue points ARE CREATED ON A GRID POINT !
Am i right ?
This is a failure, this is a high priority problem and we ( at least i ) are waiting for this to be fixed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THIS BIG ISSUE IS THERE SINCE THE PLAYERS CAME OUT ON THE MARKET . When it will be fixed, how many years it takes ?
Pioneer will not recognize it as a big issue and will rate it as a low priority only if they cannot fix it !
PS - Please try to pay the right attention to my posts, it takes me hours to run the tests, to find the right way for to describe the problem. I always try to make myself clear, to give u and the engineers the right information to be able to replicate the issue. Is not a nice feeling when finding out the post wasn't even read entirely . :(
@Marian > Thanks, yes, I did read it. Your post above says this (my summary):
a 4-beat-loop created while the player is playing, or created manually, is perfect when quantize is engaged
a 4-beat-loop created when the player is in cue mode will NOT be perfect when quantize is engaged
This is my summary :
In all cases the quantize feature is ON
a 4-beat-loop created when the player is playing (created by pressing the 4-beat-loop button, or manually by pressing in/out buttons), is perfect;
a 4-beat-loop created when the player is in cue mode (created by pressing the 4-beat-loop cutter), will not be perfect. The cue point at which the player was resting was created in real time (real time cue). That cue point is on a grid point.
So, you were not right when u said : " the problem exists as the initial cue may not be on a grid point for the quantization to be perfect when pressing the 4-beat-loop button directly from the auto-cue".
The loop created by pressing the 4-beat-loop cutter when the player is in cue mode are far less accurate then when the the loop is created by pressing the 4-beat-loop cutter (or manually by pressing in/out buttons) when the player is playing. I repeat, that cue point which the player is resting at (in cue mode) is created in real time, so is on a grid point.
I cannot say more than that, i do not know how .
In my first post i showed you an example, the steps to run a test. It will lead you to the BIG issue in no time. But u don't wanna run that test, as simple as that.
Nothing more to say
@Marian > When you first reported the issue, it was passed to the engineers. I understand what the problem is.
@ Pulse
At that point in time u did not understood what is the exact issue. U thought the problem was caused by a cue which was not on a grid point.
Hopefully Gavin understood better than you and reported the right thing to the engineers, otherwise we will wait other 2 years for the problem to be solved, and the engineers would not even know about it.
It is a high priority issue and needs to be solved as soon as possible.
I did understand it when you presented it months ago, and it was submitted to engineers then.
It's not a high-priority issue and will be resolved in due time.