@Kevin > Have you your USB stick formatted to FAT? Are you sure you have the files extracted correctly and placed on the root of the USB stick?
Segui[SOLVED] Problem with updating my players
I have the following problem: I want to upgrade my player for quite some time, but it will not work.
I proceed as in the description, but when I connect my usb stick then with the player, the message "now updating" appears only briefly and then disappears immediately. I'm at the end of my Latin. Maybe someone can help me or I must send them back, because it may be a software error?
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Yes, I've even bought a new stick and I looked up what format it has. FAT32, as it says in the manual. It is not the first update. in the first update everything worked perfectly.
Do i need to unpack the files individually in the root directory, or is it enough if I have the folder in the root directory?
Yup, the individual files need to be unzipped, and placed in the root directory of your USB. If you try to update with the zip file it won't work.
^^ that +1
ok, i only put the unpacked folder to the root directory, i am going to try it today with the inividually unpacked files, and when i doesnt work this time i will ask you guys another time. thank you so far.
Regarding firmware Ver.4.05 : is there an issue with the file C900MAIN.UPD ?
According to the download site it should be 5,982,966 bytes, but the downloaded file is 5,982,996 bytes.
It is also the only file which has a different date/time stamp than the 3 others.
Not sure what to do now...
Mine worked fine.
i think you may be over analyzing this :)
@Kevin > Yes, there's your problem. The 4 files need to extracted and placed in the root of the USB stick - this means in no folders.
@DeAI > Don't worry about it (30 bytes!) - its a small typing error.
Yep, problem solved, thanks a lot ;D
@Kevin > Good stuff, thanks for letting us know.