@J-S > Is the sound coming from the unit itself or the speakers? I just tried it with mine and it certainly didn't do it. Is your CDJ a 120V or 220V?
Hi guys!
Just discovered a weird issue with both of my CDJ-900s, running the latest firmware (4.0.5).
I was in my room and it was quite silent. I powered the CDJs on. Then, when I got into the UTILITY MODE, by holding the "MENU" button, the CDJ started making a weird ringing noise... Just like the noise you have in your ears when they ring after a loud concert (a "tinnitus").
When I turn the knob to scroll through the various settings of the Utility mode, the problem disappears. But it happens again as soon as the "QUANTIZE" setting is selected (highlighted on the display).
No media, CD or USB key was in the CDJ. Only the LINK cables and RCA / power cord were plugged. This happens on both of my CDJs. They have less than 6 months of light to moderate use and have never left my house / were never moved.
Anyone has this on their 900s? And on the 2000s? Firmware fixable?
Any way to fix this myself?
Thanks a lot!
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@J-S > Is the sound coming from the unit itself or the speakers? I just tried it with mine and it certainly didn't do it. Is your CDJ a 120V or 220V?
It's written 120 V on the back of the player.
My speakers and mixer were not turned on when this happens, so yes the sound really comes from the CDJs in my opinion because they were the only devices powered on.
(I've just tried it again today)
Basically it only happens when in UTILITY mode and having the "Quantize" setting highlighted on the display. As soon as I turn the rotary knob to scroll through setting, the tinnitus disappears. It comes back when I scroll back to "Quantize".
The sound is hearable in a silent environment. A bit subtle but definitely there.
I just shot this video to show the problem : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CgfMVLkrn4
(sorry for the camera movements, I wanted to find where the sound is the most hearable from the CDJ) Towards the end you'll hear the tinnitus stop when the rotary knob click to highlight another setting than "QUANTIZE" in utility.
If you think I can still use my CDJs normally, I got no problems with that "detail" (does not interfere in any way with the CDJ's performance). But if you think a repair is highly recommended, I'll send it to the repair centre.
Thanks a lot.
That certainly is weird - I noticed it right when you switched modes the first time on the first player. It could simply be the display making that noise and I don't see it as something that would affect the player, but maybe give tech support a call and see what they say. (Links are located to the right.)
I had exactly the same issue with a brand new CDj900. The noise appeared to come from the back of the LCD panel and most noticable with the Utility button and after 30 secs warm up time. I ended up returning the cdj900 to the store and got a refund as was worried a faulty batch. I have since purchased two second hand cdj900's which do not have the whinning noise.