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Swan Coffin Case

Looking to get a Swan Coffin case to house a pair of 2000's and a DJM800 mixer. Anyone had experience with one. Are they heavy to shift around and would you recommend having some wheels on one? 



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Haven't got the Swan, but got the Odyssey. Although from experience, they're all much of a muchness. And yes, I'd say wheels are VITAL if you value your spine staying intact...!! Lol

shortSTACK 0 voti
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Just been looking at the Odyssey one, it's less of an eyesore. How much did you pay? Also does it have much vent/cable space at the back?


Richie 0 voti
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The Odyssey one for me is great - went for the all-black one, with the sliding laptop shelf. It is more bulky as the lid is a lot higher, but worth it for the shelf.

Paid £275 for it (in the UK) but can be bought at a better rate in the US if you're out that way. And yep, plenty of cable space. Fit a USB hub and cables, all the power cables and plugs, and all other cables behind my 2 x CDJ900s and DJM900. Very sturdy case!

shortSTACK 0 voti
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I have had cases from Odyssey and Road Ready, and preferred the Road Ready cases, personally.  They fit together better and gave the impression of stronger build quality.  Also can with more adjustable foam panels.

John Kiser 0 voti
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@Richie > I have ALL my Pioneer products housed in Swanflight gear - I use one case per piece of equipment. Yeah, it means you'll have to carry three cases but your back will thank you and when you upgrade part of your gear the whole case doesn't automatically become redundant.

Gavin 0 voti
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@Gavin, The Swan ones are great quality and build. I like the idea of everything being in one wired up unit. I do a gig 2 sometimes 3 times a month where I play for 5 hours straight. I end up taking about 5 cases full of cd's and have to set up the 1000's and mixer when I get there. The idea of a coffin with everything wired in, a HDD and a couple of USB sticks should be the answer. Plug in the XLR's and the mains and off I go. It would drive me mad moving three separate boxes around and rewiring every time. 

Richie 0 voti
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I wanted to avoid going to Swan after i didn't like their price changing attitude, and also the fact i don't like their stupid flap down covers for the front of the slot loading drives.

Having seen a mates, they bugged me as i kept hitting my hands on them......why they didn't design the sections to pull away like Road Ready i don't know!


Anyway, i'm just in the process of creating up our hire packages, and went to a local flight case manufacturer fairly local to me. I wanted a case to house 2 CDJ2000s, a DJM900 Nexus, switcher, 4 way extension, with the ability for cables to feed in the side if additional decks needed wiring in.

The case is currently in build as we speak with collection on Thursday afternoon around 2:30pm. With the whole thing looking swanky on the design plans, a flap to cover over the switch, cabling and 4 way, plus it's all being built from Astroboard and not hex, it should be the real deal. Will upload a pic or video of it to show. Coming in at around £350 + the dreaded.

Adam 'Baggs' Hetherington 0 voti
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@Adam that's exactly what I want, space for plugs e.t.c also the Nexus is exactly the same size as the DJM800. Any pics?

Richie 0 voti
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Unfortunately no pics yet :(


I pick it up tomorrow and am actually quite excited actually, as the whole case is designed to show off the players when in use, leaving the Pioneer logos on the units visible, as well as keeping the back neat, yet practical. For hires and events, it's so common for people wanting access to the rear of the mixer to connect up additional players, effectors, serato boxes etc, so the back end needed to be accessible at all times. Hence why the design has a hinged flap that drops down to cover over. If you need access....then simply lift up the flap!

Space in the back to accommodate a 4 way/6 way extension was important. When you consider you have two players, plus the mixer, plus the switch, plus a macbook pro charger, it's easy to instantly fill up 5 sockets........look to add in an EFX1000...and you're already on 6!

The ability as well to easily cables into the case to allow for flexibility of use was also important in the design. The cases has a small 40 or 50cm cut outs in the side in line with the space at the back to feed all cables into. With a cut out each side, it allows any master output cables to run in from either side, connection to the booth, and additional connection of turntables, extra cdjs etc etc

The lid has also been cleverly designed with the right type of catches. To restrict any sharp edges in the case, standard butterfly catches would be a little too sharp as part of the catch would be built into the base part of the case. By using an overlatch which locks into the alu frame of the case, the complete latch itself is taken away with the lid when removed.

The whole design seems very well thought out, and although the price may be a tad off putting in comparison to the chinese manufacturers stock cases (Road Ready, Odyssey etc), this will be ideal. Plus the Astroboard design means it's weight will be around half of what a standard black hex would be from Swan, or around a third of a Road Ready coffin!

The case manufacturer has a pair of our CDJ-2000s, a DJM900 Nexus, and a Netgear 5 port Switch up there at the moment, so the design is all being constructed around the products as i type this.

Will get some pictures when created to show you all!

Adam 'Baggs' Hetherington 0 voti
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Excellent, keep us updated as I was looking at the Odyssey myself but this sounds much better.

Richie 0 voti
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First pic of the new CDJ2000 and DJM900 case here....

Adam 'Baggs' Hetherington 0 voti
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Well the good news is i picked the case up this afternoon (slightly later due to a change of design).

Seeing the case today was fantastic. I couldn't of asked really for a better design and quality from my mate who builds them!


As I've tried to directly attach photos, as well as also try direct IMG codes that don't really seem to work well on here, i've uploaded the photos to my photo bucket account. Please bear in mind that I've just set this up quickly in my utility room, so please excuse the crap around it.

Pics show the case, design, build quality, engineering of the cut outs, and overall the complete case. In the flesh it is superb!


The only design change that will be is to the front of the case which will happen next week (i needed my CDJs back tonight for a gig tomorrow!). The weight of the products inside causes a large amount of strain around the handle on the side of the lid where you would pick it up like a briefcase. While i was there, they altered it and put 2 overlay catches on the front, but due to it not being in the original spec, the alu extrusion is a plain style, and doesn't have the cut away to allow for the overlay catch to hook into. So an overlay shut was put on the front for the time being. The idea was to not have any form of catches on the case when the lid is removed.

The flap is fantastic, the whole build is insane, and even with the additional handles and catches, it comes in at around £400.00 + VAT for all the workmanship, costs and parts. I'm well chuffed for it to support such an awesome setup and protect the value of it when in use and transit.


Full pics are here....


Adam 'Baggs' Hetherington 0 voti
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Looks nice but £400 + VAT??? Not feeling the shelf at the back. Also there's no separators between each unit. 

Think I'm gonna go down the Odyssey Black route myself. 

Thanks for posting the pics though, theres not much to chose from out there.

Richie 0 voti
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BriChi 0 voti
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Total Impact any good??? Looks very similar to the Odyssey one. £259



Richie 0 voti
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@Richie > Sorry, they sell DJ equipment at that link you provided which is a no-no so had to edit.

Gavin 0 voti
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Sorry didn't realise!

Would be interested to know if anyone has used or has a Total Impact case as no where in Birmingham has any available to view.

Richie 0 voti
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Hi guys I've been shopping around again and wondered if anyone can confirm if all the makes above have wooden (with foam) partitions between each unit to keep them still during transit? I'm thinking of going down the Swan route after speaking with them but you only get foam to go between the CDJ's and mixer. Apparently the front and back holds the cdj's in place during transit. The metal panel at the back pops up for easy access to wires and hopefully the three power buttons.

Swan price is good in comparison with Odyssey and Total Impact too. 

Richie 0 voti
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I'm not too experienced in the DJ equipment world as I don't have too many years under my belt.... I did however just get a pair of 2000's with the matching Marathon Blk Series cases.... They needed a little trim on the one staintionary / permanent glued in foam piece to accomadate the power switch but it was not too much of a hassel at all. Once I had the supports in the right positions under the feet buttoned it up and gave it a shake to see how well it fit... No Movement whatsoever. Also conviently enough with the Marathon cases Decksavers will still fit over to protect everything as well.... If anyone would like some pictures I'm sure I can work something out.

Dennis O'Neill 0 voti
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i just got my swan coffin to house my 2 x cdj2000 and djm2000,

Has anyone got any experience on fitting them in the case with power and leads?

can i get a 4 way in the back or do i need to make up some kind of power system in the case?


any info would be good or if you have already done something special please post some pics?



Nick Hilton 0 voti
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@Pionix > I'm pretty sure BriChi has his setup hooked up with all extension leads and cables in the flight case...

Gavin 0 voti
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Hey Pionix, I fitted my whole case from top to bottom so it's perfect, I love it and it's clean, here are some pics


First I cut the foam all out below the mixer and cd players and left just enough to support the decks as you can see in these pics where the mixer would be, I also grabbed this low profile 4 way power splitter  and soldered it to a nuetrik power connector in the back of the case, this is the splitter: http://www.amazon.com/Cables-Go-Power-Cord-Splitter/dp/B000083KIH/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1331862531&sr=8-10


Ran xlr's to a plate to the back too so i wouldn't ruin the xlr outs on the mixer by constant plugging and unplugging at each gig, i's rather the wear and tear on the $15 plate

I attached pics for ya to check out, Let me know if you have any questions,


here is the xlr plate: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002BG35I/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details

nuetrik connectors: 

case mount: http://www.amazon.com/Neutrik-NAC3MPA-Powercon-Chassis-Connector/dp/B00067K1EC/ref=sr_1_sc_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1331862934&sr=1-2-spell


cable mount: http://www.amazon.com/Neutrik-NAC3FCA-Powercon-Cable-Connector/dp/B002EDS1FM/ref=pd_bxgy_e_img_b

BriChi 0 voti
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that particular one was an Odyssey I am setting up for a friend, my personal one I had custom built and then did the connections and cabling


I attached pics of mine

BriChi 0 voti
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not sure where you are located, But I am on Long Island, NY, It was a local place called CaseMakers. Real original name, LOL

BriChi 0 voti
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Do CaseMakers have a web site?  If not, a location or phone number?

PS 0 voti
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not of the top of my head but if you google "Casemakers" in holtsville NY, thats them

BriChi 0 voti
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