That's a good question. I've bought 2 CDJ 2000 nexus to remplace my CDJ 800 mk2. I use Serato SL3. I've didn't find the HID standard/advanced option in the Utility menu. Is that normal? Will we have to wait a firmware update?
Will the new cdj 2000 nexus work natively with serato out of the box or will we have to wait for a firmware update.
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That's a good question. I've bought 2 CDJ 2000 nexus to remplace my CDJ 800 mk2. I use Serato SL3. I've didn't find the HID standard/advanced option in the Utility menu. Is that normal? Will we have to wait a firmware update?
you bought 2 nexus cdj's just to control serato?
Hey Brian.
I had the same question as you and pretty much got the same answer (nothing). I get the feeling that rekordbox is getting a big push with this release. I'm giving it a try as well, but still want to know if I can control serato natively. Hopefully we'll get a clear answer soon. Impatiently awaiting the arrival of my cdj's
My CDJ 800 had a long life, they have lots of problem now...
No I haven't, but I want to control serato too...
My choice is the result of a long hesitation between the CDJ 900, CDJ 2000 and the CDJ 2000 Nexus...
I know there are lot's of prejudice between DJs 'cause lot's of them pretend to be a good one and are not, only based on the success of David Guetta or other one, and without passion for the music. I don't want to have the most beautiful and the most impressive equipment, I just want to have the more practice to satisfy my passion.
If the CDJ 2000 nexus have the HID integration, it will be welcome. That's why I'm looking for a forum where music's passionates could have an answer for me ;)
i plan on converting everything to rekord box. However i still have alot of Video jobs on the books and need serato for them. I have spoken to pioneer directly and have been told the nexus will work by 2 different people that it will work the same. i will call them again and ask about the HID advanced mode specifically.
I know where you're at Bri :)
Was just asking romain because if you're only ever going to control serato, the 2000mk1 would be the same as the nexus. Might as well save the cash
You're right BriChi, and lot's of DJ controller do the same too, for less cash ;)
right but again, the Nexus and the 2000mk1 are the exact same deck, the added features are "if" you use them as standalone RB decks. Of course other decks are cheaper and do similar functions but the 2000 is the most reliable and thats why we all use them, but to get the Nexus over the 2000mk1 to just control serato literally is a waist of money, its the same deck
just spoke to pioneer and they are telling me hid advanced is in the utilities as it is the same deck as 2000 just with the added features.
That's right BriChi. I've choose the 2000 nexus 'cause it's the most reliable, like the 2000, and 'cause of added features. Serato is just an option for me.
Brian, I've no hid standard/advanced in the utilities. But this is the 1.02 firmware on it. Perhaps I need to upgrade with the last version of CDJ 2000 firmware, but it seems strange.
Yeah Romain, Definitely update, you are far behind FW wise
the firmware is the same for both players????? Why wouldn't Pioneer send nexus with latest firmware
Romain, you have the 2000Nexus already? or you talking about looking for the option in a 2000mk1?
Bri, the FW is completely different between the 2 units, the nexus FW must be different to handle all the new options and settings
Romain you said you have the CDJ2000 Nexus Correct?
I don't know.That's why I would thinking the CDJ 2000 firmware was not the same!
BriChi, are you sure the firmware are the same between CDJ 2000 and 2000 nexus?
Yes, this is the nexus!
Ah okay, so no updates at the moment ;)
no, i am saying the FW is not the same between the 2, they are 2 different decks, there is no way the have the same FW, it may be similar because of similar features but the 2000nexus FW most likely starts from a 1.??
and thats awesome that you have a nexus already! I thought you were talking MK1 because the Nexus hasnt shipped to to many spots yet, enjoy!
have you tried to use serato in HID mode yet? Maybe they dont have a standard mode anymore and its all advanced, therefore you wouldnt need a menu option
yes that's right, the 1.02 ;)
have you tried to use it with serato? maybe there is no option in the menu and it just always works in "advanced mode"? or the decks can auto detect if its Serato/traktor/VDJ etc..... and will switch to advanced if needed. Just because its not in the menu doesnt mean it wont work with serato, since you're the only one with the decks, we will wait for you to try :) LOL
BriChi that could be. I called Pioneer 3 times and they all told me it will work
Romain if you could please try what BriChi Suggested about possible auto detect and let us know it would be appreciated. Everyone I seem to talk to in the stores seems to give a different opinion. but pioneer said it will work. No one here has them yet.
Sorry, I was in the store where I bouthgt them.
I've just tried, but it doesn't work like that.
And in the Link mode, i'm only in USB midi control mode.
ok thanks
if anyone from Pioneer and Serato is reading this thread please look into this. Is HID advanced located somewhere else in the player or does it need to be added with a firmware update. Again I called Pioneer tek support and three different people told me that this is available and nothing has been lost in the upgrade to Nexus - Please Confirm
something new on the serato forum:
" DJSabella 11:56 PM - 17 September, 2012
Will serato work natively with the new pioneer CDJ 2000 Nexus or will there need to be an update.
Dave W 4:09 AM - 19 September, 2012
Hey DJSabella,
At this stage there is nothing on the roadmap for this to happen. However that could change, we'll let users know if so.
Dave W"
Well that flat out blows.. Now I'm contemplating on canceling my order. I still use Serato for video and hate timecode.... And I've already wasted a few days working with RB setting cue points... FML
wondering what went on or wrong.. I took this from Pioneer's website
Thats right in their description, Pioneer supports HID, it is up to the software developers from Serato/Traktor, etc..... to incorporate it into their code for that particular player. If pioneer did not change anything on the HID end or how it communicates,, then it should connect right out of the box. No one will know till it is tested. Pioneer says it will work, serato says it will not right now. good luck to the serato users on the final outcome :)
is it possible they moved the HID Advanced setting
i don't think so. Advanced HID is now HID and the old Standard HID was actually just midi (MID)...
@romain - where abouts are you? just curious to know where stock of the Nexus has arrived...
Phil - so is the new cdj2000 Nexus able to work with Serato in internal mode or will you need timecode cd's.