I wonder if its a problem with the SD card. I up graded too but only use link and usb and seems OK. If it was me I'd try a reformat and export to the SD and just see if that makes any difference.
Segui[CLOSED] CDJ2000nexus Firmware Update 1.11 causing crashes and "scroll lag"
I just upgraded to 1.11 on my cdj nexus (i use sd card as the source for songs). I had 4 crashes tonight and needed to do a hard reset. The crashes are the "i select a song and it just never loads and no matter what song i pick nothing will load until i turn off the player" crash. No my mp3s are not corrupt.
Towards the end of the night I also experienced considerable lag when in the 'browse' window scrolling through songs. It was no where as fast as it used to be before I updated today.
I know "downgrading firmware" is a real big no-no around here but what are my options? I did a factory reset on the CDJs and it keeps the same firmware and I'm still experiencing the issues after a factory reset. I really need this resolved before the weekend, so what are my options, as waiting another several months for a firmware update isn't an option.
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Towards the end of the night I also experienced considerable lag when in the 'browse' window scrolling through songs. It was no where as fast as it used to be before I updated today.
this has been reported, I notice this every job I do and have videos of it, as the night progresses the decks get slower and slower and the menu scroll is very choppy so this is not just a 1.11 issue, it happens in 1.10 also
I wonder if its a problem with the SD card. I up graded too but only use link and usb and seems OK. If it was me I'd try a reformat and export to the SD and just see if that makes any difference.
maybe for the crashing, but for the slowness, this happens with USB also, the only way i can use the decks without them slowing down in now with my laptop LINKed, using usb causes slowness
I'm still using firmware 1.06 with Rekordbox 2.02. Would I be best sticking to what i'm using?
yup, stick to 1.06, I wish I could go back
Holy s***... Is this happening for everybody that updated to 1.11? I was going to upgrade tonight, but crashes again??? Im running on 1.10 and have had some crashes, but I replaced my switch to the recommended by Gaven or Pulse and cat6 cables and after 2 weekends with no crash im letting this update go to the recycle bin for sure...
I have not had crashes, I ran 1.11 for the last 24 hours just letting it play track after track in in a playlist, Of course this is not real world use though. I will put them to the real test saturday on my 2 jobs
Cool, I'll wait for your verdict @Brichi... Are u spinnin with USB now or are u using something else? I always play with USB, just making sure the test is done with the "same" equipment im using :-)
I used to spin just usb but stopped because of the slowness of the decks after like 2 hours of play, so for now until that is fixed I use my laptop linked to the decks
ive had no crashes,while playing them out 2hrs, from usb/flash, but im not as good at breaking them as brichi.maybe its sd or setup specific.
@Brichi - U got slowness on the USB? Thought that was when u were spinnin with the laptop?!?!
I never get slowness, and for about 4 hours i get to play around 150 tunes (fun to cut them up). But with that said, I only have around 800 songs on the USB (just a house DJ) so maybe that is the thing? (think u wrote somewhere that u have around 15000?)
yes, just usb so far, about 25,000 tracks total, the playlists range from 50 to 500 tracks so not too overloaded. I have 2 videos, the first one shows the stutter in the playlist when I try to scroll and the second shows the slowness getting back to tracks from moving wave, this was actually a little quicker then some, at times it sits at waiting for 10-15 seconds
stutter in scrolling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxKd7bRzAmc
slow getting back to tracks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLlKWhSniog
Feel for u man, I would go crazy if that happend to me.. But as I wrote before, after replacing the Switch to the recommended and cat 6 cables - not a problem for 2 weekends in a row, that's some kind of record for me. Before I had crash after crash - emergancy loop, re-boot the player, silence on the dance floor etc etc... (wont update until like FW4.90 now hehe)
But have u tried formated a USB and exporting just like 500 songst hat been newly analyzed in RB? (I know that this is not a solution for u, but if there is some hardware fault in a memory circuit maybe?
havent tried less tracks yet because like you said, even if that worked fine, it's not the answer. I never had this issue with the MK1 decks and I used USB a lot. It definitely must have something to do with memory buffering not clearing out or something. I am sure they will have an answer hopefully
Just on a nother note, at Ultra - all the players were MK1:s, that got a hurt for the key account managers out there for Pio. (and Pio themselve)
absolutely! I know a lot of people who won't touch them
Hey everyon thanks for the info. Taang - what switch are you talking about? I will definitely grab a cat-6 cable. I've been using cat5. Unfortunately every crash I had was on the player with the SD card inserted so I don't know if the ethernet cable will do much but worth the shot.
I will also try using a usb stick for a while today and see if I can get it to crash. It was most frustrating because with the old crashes, I knew what I was doing to make it crash (mostly hitting cue points too rapidly). But the crashes last night seemed to be completely at random and I couldn't figure out what I was doing to make it happen (crashed every time directly after loading a song into the deck, no other buttons pressed).
And for those asking, I jumped from 1.06 I believe it was to 1.11. I suggest NOT UPGRADING to anyone who hasn't yet. I had no issues for months with 1.06.
I also doubt it's an issue with the SD card because it couldn't have been a coincidence that all this happened the one night I decided to upgrade firmware before going to the club.
Biacco if you find the usb/flash ok,if you confirm this, report back & then it gives anybody with same issues & a possible work around.
@Biacco: I bought this: D-Link 5-port Switch DGS-1005D 10/100/1000. And as an FYI, I had crashes before also on the player that had the USB in it. But after i got the new switch and bought cat6 cables from an apple store, it all seem to be fine (FW1.10) KNOW ON WOOD!!
Yeah I will let you know. I'm not going to have enough time to test the screen lag (happened like 3 hours into my night) but I will try to get it to crash with usb.
Also Taang, I just realized you we're talking about an ethernet switch. I was just linking the players via an ethernet cable last night so that wouldn't have caused issues with me. What was the recommended switch by the way, just to have that for future reference.
Oh you just responded so ignore what i just said haha
Wow, this thread is terrifying. I'm passing on the 1.11 update - clearly not worth the risk. Not sure if this is at all meaningful since I'm not up to speed (pun intended) on the lag issues, but I've been running my sets off an ipad mini 64g and haven't encountered ANY issues with delays, exports, freezing or files gone missing at random. Go figure, the format everyone hated on for undermining 'professionalism' seems to be functional. Funny the only reason I chose to go the IOS route was so I could have a keyboard without having to break out the laptop.
Come on Pioneer this is unacceptable! When can we expect a proper firmwire update?
did a test last night, Only copied one playlists, 667 tracks, let it run over night and when I went back to it and hit browse to get tot the tracks, there was still a delay, so this is not caused by the amount of tracks overloading a drive
I see, that is strange - But I never use "Browse", I just use "Back" so i get to my playlists ... I will use "Browse" tonight so I can see if I have the same issue
it's the same, I hit "back" or "browse" after I mix a track, either one does it
I don't know what's going on just finished s four hour set at the club with USB with my Djm2000 no lag or crashes.
Fresh export with 2.0.3 with about 4500 songs. Firmware 1.11.
not sure but they will hopefully fix it for the people having issues. I am actually looking forward to using the MK1's in the place I am in tomorrow, sad
with mine, it's pretty easily reproducible, the beginning of the parties start out great and as they go on it gets more and more aggravating