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[SOLVED] Does XDJ Aero support any Rekordbox stored cues ?

I think it does not support hotcues,

but i hope it does recall any stored cue...

any info ?


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Currently it does not, but we have made the same suggestion to the engineers as we made for the CDJ350 to be able to set an option for the player to automatically call the first memory point as the primary cue, should one exist.

Pulse 0 voti
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what a terrible disapointing news :(

i am sure any firmware update may fix this anytime but i cannot say i am that hopeful:

  • that feature request for the cdj 350 is not new, i recall several posts earlier this year mentioning the suggestion was passed on to the engineers, the fact that the aero is released without such a function may lead us to believe that not much work has been done on it :(

  • no cue points supported on the first dedicated rekorbox player ? is that for real ? i hope whoever made that decision is seriously reviewed because that is a serious omission, just saying....

in any case, thanks a lot for your care to reply pulse!

(obviously none of my remarks is related to you, i am sure you know that ;) 

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No offense taken, no worries.

Keep in mind, this product is in its infancy - it has just started making its way to the streets and there is a lot that can be done with firmware updates.  Pioneer is really interested in making this product the best of its kind so naturally they will be looking for this kind of feedback.

Pulse 0 voti
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thats my biggest hope!

for some time i have been waiting for pioneer to put out such a product as it seemed the obvious next step and also that the company had all the tech they needed ready to make it happen ;)

cant say i was expecting to see wireless connectivity and not sure how clever it was to add it to the 1st XDJ product,

i would have waitited until chrismas season to release a wifi enabled version and would have focused on the core functionality on the initial release (as in not missing cue points recall or wired computer connectivity) , and only then build up from there

i am sure the XDJ range is going to grow and hopefully with more pro focused models (i am just too eager to ditch dj "software" to consider waiting for upcoming models:)

i am also hopeful our feedback will help tailor future products and the development of the xdj range,

this is i got into the forums lately, to provide all feedback i can find about the product and participate in this process in any way i can.

if i was not stuck in brazil with its stupid customs practices i would have ordered one already, have to wait until i get back to europe to do so :(

ps: in the end i think this is what most of my complains revolve around,

aero being a entry level product and me expecting a pro one...

go figure :D 

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do you have any info about that sample start button + shift function (labeled as banks),

there seems to be a rumor spreading from a djworx video that there might be some support for cues thru that button combination

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would be nice if the app on tablet is like the display of the cdj2000. with cuepoint/loop calls, wave form and manual loop feature.. it is already there as a preparing device in the app, why not make it visable wile actually playing the track on the aero..??

PK 0 voti
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Add Cue point & wave display then you've got one of the best "all in one" controllers on the market no one will be close...

Pioneer need to take a leaf out of Apple's book & not hold back on there products.

Nighttrate Genx 0 voti
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Any progress on this feature request ? I do feel like a lot of us, and potential customers are waiting for it ...

DJ_LINK2U 0 voti
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Pioneer needs to live up to there name & start doing just that - Pioneering.

It like they think of a good idea & hold back just incase they dont think of anything better. It will only take a minute for them to lose there grip on there market  share if there competitors get there act in gear.

It may seem like in hating on Pioneer but I'm not, I'm just trying to get them to realise that holding back on a devices capability isn't the answer to get people to buy there other more expensive products as many customers will simply look else ware with what money they have.

Wave & Cue points will put the Aero in  The top end of the market & sell them more units its simple maths. Pioneer's programers need to get on it asap or this product is going to flop (sales wise that is)

Nighttrate Genx 0 voti
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If you add this feature I'll buy one! And if I buy a lot of my friend will... THIS IS THE WAY IT WORKS. Thanks. B

Bernardo Barberani 0 voti
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Very eager for a solution to this. Why on earth would this device support the grid analysis of each file but not the primary cue point? I'm sure Firmware updates are coming to address this. Where do I sign up to be notified?


Jon Berardi 0 voti
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all i can say is that i dont believe this will ever be implemented anymore, not on this specific product...

i posted this question almost 4 months (!!!!) ago, about the date of release of the product, so far it has been clear pioneer is not minimally interested in listening to potential or effective clients and their requests (basically the same methodology they followed with all the request for cdj2000 improvements, they never implemented them and released another model instead, so for now unfortunately i have to assume this is being done purposely to lure initial buyers into upgrading to the new models)

my personal response: i did not and do not plan to buy any aero, not in this conditions, i am quite ready to drop serato and laptop djing for a rekorbox system, but this is not the one, i will also never buy a pioneed product that do not have all the functionality i want / need waiting / hoping for it to be implemented with some update / firmware that will probably never happen

i was anxiously waiting to get back to euope so i could buy a xdj and a rmx1000, i did get my rmx right away when i arrived but had to decide to drop the idea of purchasing the aero due to this sad situation

my biggest hope is that there is some sort of xdj-sx on the works or something along those lines as it is much more probable for pioneer to follow this route than to ever implement missing functionality (according to us, not them, keep this in mind)

i seriously recommend everyone else to do the same, as it seems this kind of brand does not respond to verbal statements it may respond to (declining) sales statements

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I be happy if the aero could use stored cues from the app. on a tablet, seems to me the most simple solution..

PK 0 voti
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Pioneer, please grant our Christmas wishes (stored cue points)! Every other product of similar fashion has had this for the past few years already. This is not a pioneering feature we are asking for.

Thana 0 voti
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the new uodate includes


"""Supports the Auto Cue feature that is set in the rekordbox. 

   Cues stored using rekordbox/rekordbox(iOS/Android) are automatically set as cue points."""

I wonder if that means you can jump through 10 stored cue points, and if so, how?

BriChi 0 voti
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whoa, what ?

what update is this ?

is it out already ? there seems to be no info on the ddi & xdj forum about it...

Nonnus 0 voti
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Yes, do tell @BriChi. Is this a firmware update or something? 

Jon Berardi 0 voti
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Boom goes the dynamite. Can't wait to try this after work!

Thana 0 voti
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wow, really surprised about this, in a very good way!

whoever gets to try it first please report how it is working :)

Nonnus 0 voti
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yes, please report, I dont own one but definitely curious on the features added in case I get one for small gigs

BriChi 0 voti
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I am going to buy one XDJ Aero or DDJ SX , Please report how it work, Then I can make decision. Thanks

kenji 0 voti
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I've got this on my list to try this evening. I'll report back. 

Jon Berardi 0 voti
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Ok I just download the firmware into the xdj aero. I have no idea how to use the feature need help here

Steven V 0 voti
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After installing the latest firmware, there's definitely something missing. Not sure how to recall stored cue points. @Steven stored cue points yes but I don't think they will support hot cues on the Aero. But I think you meant stored cue points.

Thana 0 voti
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on page 19 of the manual it says how to set Auto cue and if it works that way I might be interested in getting the Aero.

What my understanding of how it works by reading the manual it says that Auto cue will load the Memorie cue closes to the beginning of a track. This if it works that way is enough for me to be intrested it an XDJ for small gigs. I use the DDJ SX and Traktor or CDJ 2000 for bigger gigs. XDJ would also be funn to play with at home.

Gulli Johansen 0 voti
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