they analyze automatically, you should see the counter at the bottom left that will show how many are left, unless you turned off auto analyzing under TRACK/AUTO ANALYSIS
How do you select multiple tracks to analize in my collection .
I've just added over 6000 tracks and it seem that I have to right click each single track and analize them ?
Sourly there is a way to select all the tracks and analize them all .
Some one please help or I'm gonna be here till next year doing them all individually
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they analyze automatically, you should see the counter at the bottom left that will show how many are left, unless you turned off auto analyzing under TRACK/AUTO ANALYSIS
In any case - it is no different than in explorer (if on Windows) - click first one, go to wherever you want, shift+click. Or to cehrry-pick, do ctrl-click.
i wouldn't select all and analyze being there is a good shot they are analyzing already and you are just not seeing the 2-4 that are going at a time being you are only seeing about 30 tracks in your window. See what the counter on the bottom left is doing. it could be at 1000 left and then you right click all and analyze and it will just start all over again
OLAH Craig. You have differents options to analyze all your tracks or a folder you want or just a few songs of them:
1.- To analyze all the tracks you have in HHD and add them to Collection menu, check Auto Analysis ON in Track menu, select your HHD in Rekordbox explorer option (Left Hand menu), right click & select Import As a Playlist. As Brichi says, will apear a counter on bottom left part that shows you the tracks left to analyze. Be patient...lol
2.- To analyze a folder or a few songs to Import to Collection or Add a playlist just browse through your folders and select the tracks you want import.
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Why isnt it possible to select a range of tracks? I.e. by selecting a track, scrolling down, holding SHIFT+CTRL and click? This is standard Windows behaviour...
CTRL+Click, even on Windows, is a single-selection (additive). You want SHIFT+Click.
Yes, but I'm asking about SHIFT+CTRL and then click. If you do that in Windows you can first select a starting range for the select by clicking the track (track 1), then you hold SHIFT+CTRL and click on another track (track 10).
The operation will then select all the tracks between 2 and 10.
I would very much like this feature in RB.
I have like 40 tracks that are un-analyzed. Now I must right click each and every one of them and hit "Analyze"
It's not CTRL+SHIFT+click, just SHIFT+click.
Click the first track, then SHIFT+click the last one, it will select all between. From there you can right-click on any one of them to pop-up the menu to select analyse, or you can use the Track > Analyse menu selection.
Oh Christ! I've been doing it wrong all these years. That other combo just happens to work in Windows as well :P
lol - yep. ;)
Just remember - CTRL+click = individual additive selection, SHIFT+click = first-to-last additive selection.
What's cool is you could click track 1, then SHIFT+click track 10, then CTRL+click track 5 to remove it from that selected batch.