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New cdj's, new djm!

Hi to all, just start this thread to talk a bit about the new top gear we all saw yesterday. So what do you think? Will you upgrade? Looks like a nice upgrade to me, the cdj's and the djm900. I like the new stuff, can you think of something that is missing? Common lets hear opinions!


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20 commenti


i love the CDJ's, Will I upgrade? not sure, I will definitely be waiting till bugs are worked out his time thats for sure


Pioneer, feel free to send me a set for free and ill test them out for you to get the bugs out, Ill pay shipping if you want :)

BriChi 0 voti
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lol Brichi i'm with you. I pay air tickets to get them myself if needed...

You are right about the bug fixing etc. I hope this time Pioneer has done it right. I mean we know that every new product which also has a firmware-software part, ok it's not possible to be bug-free from day 1, but not the situation of the nexuses the first year...

Anastasio 0 voti
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And talk about a price jump compared to the original nexus

djsd 0 voti
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And talk about a feature jump compared to the original nexus.

Pulse 0 voti
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Don't think we have an official price yet, right?


Pulse i never used "jump" because no hardware (cdj's) have it till nxs2. Lets see... :)

Anastasio 0 voti
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The price was in the press release:

The CDJ-2000NXS2 and DJM-900NXS2 will be available in February 2016, with retail prices of $2,199.00US and $2,199.00US, respectively.

Obviously, that's the MSRP, street price may vary.

Pulse 0 voti
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Ok, it's about 200$ more. But it's the start price. Maybe in time they get a bit cheaper and match the nexus1 price. And the mixer Pulse? (Sorry didn't see a price anywhere at the announcements)

Anastasio 0 voti
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the new features are definitely worth the small price jump, Just need to wait till like summer time at  least to see how they are

BriChi 0 voti
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DJM: I love the additions to the Effects section. The features moved from the 2000 were a big pleasant surprise 😀


CDJ: love the hot cue bank and the fact that they've increased it. The search and touchscreen is a big addition too. 


One strange thing for for me is the fact that both the mixer and the CDJ have the same price tag. Maybe it just feels unjust but I think a CDJ should cost less than a mixer. 


Anyway, I don't see myself upgrading to be honest as the added features don't warrant the price once you factor in the high taxes (13% in Toronto, Canada) and I won't get anything close to what I paid for, for the original NEXUS line.  Resale value is horrible IMO.


Overall, I think Pioneer did a great job with both the mixer & CDJ's and I'm sure it would be a pleasure to own for those that can afford it. 


SRNM 0 voti
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I think the CDJ isn't a huge step from the NXS1.  The touchscreen is a decent step in technology, but the feature set isn't massive.  Still nice though.

The DJM however is VERY interesting.  Lots of little features taken from the 2000NXS, and the independent send/return is VERY tasty.

Now, one of Pioneer's announcement emails labelled the NXS2 as "the new flaghship setup".  I'm seriously considering an upgrade, especially where the DJM is concerned.  I need to be sure though that the DJM-2000 line, for now at least, is... taking a back seat.  Pretty much because that used to be billed as the flagship mixer.

Mark90 0 voti
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Does it really matter which has the "flagship" monicker? Personally, I've always been of the mindset to be excited about whatever equipment suits my needs best, not whichever is billed as the top product or has the most bells/whistles. ;)

Pulse 0 voti
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Ok the djm2k maybe is the "flagship" but the club standard is definitely djm900.

I agree Pulse. Anyway the possible djm2k nxs2 is a standard buy by me... i'm in love with that think, especially after the 3.x firmware (the nexus one).

Anastasio 0 voti
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You missed my point.  What matters is me spending £1700 on a DJM-900 NXS2 then finding out about a DJM-2000 NXS2.  If the 900 is now classed as the flagship then my current investment, a DJM-2000NXS1 could no longer be in line for a NXS2 upgrade.  It's like, I have money for new Pioneer gear, it just needs to go in the right direction.

Mark90 0 voti
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I got you Mark. If a new djm2k nxs2 will be come out, i think it will be after September or even later. So you have to wait 1 year to decide then. Also i think djm2k wont be discontinued, we will see a new one in a while.

Anastasio 0 voti
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In Canada you're looking at $8000.+ for that setup......... No thanks

Roy Maraffino 0 voti
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Maybe not that high but still close and I agree.  I appreciate technology but the prices are a bit unjust IMO.  I think it is also a reason why controllers have become so popular.  If you're a club/bar DJ, most likely the gear is already there for you.  If you are a mobile DJ and have to take your own gear, then I can see how the price of a controller might seem much more appealing then buying the CDJ's and DJM setup unless you're growing money ;)

I might start a fund me account LOL



SRNM 0 voti
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As i mentioned above its a massive price jump compared to previous models I have the money myself for a new set but really considering going for a controller instead. 


djsd 0 voti
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TBH the new features on the Nexus seem mostly inherited from the much cheaper XDJ line.  I see very little difference in functionality between this and the XDJs, with the most compelling features related to extremely high-end audio fidelity.

If you don't need 96KHz digital audio output from each of your decks, then it really comes down to paying an extra $1500 over an XDJ just to have physical Hot Cues.

I think Pioneer is doing a great job, but perhaps too good of a job on the low end and not enough "wow" on the high end.

Beekir 0 voti
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