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DJM 900 Nexus2 and Rekordbox dj

When I connect my DJM 900 Nexus2 with rekordbox dj, FX1 is ok  but FX2 (of rekordbox) is disabled. Is it normal?

If no, what can I do to solve the problem?


Antonio Con risposta

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So, I asked the product team to shed a bit more light on this for me as I haven't had much hands-on experience with the DJM-900NXS2 and rekordbox...

With the DJM-900NXS2, either FX1 or FX2 can be used alternately because NXS2 has a Send/Return feature to enable post fader FX, and in this situation, only one FX can be selected.

FX2 is not disabled; both FX1 and FX2 will be applied to the channel selected by FX1 on the left side of the screen. FX1 -> FX2 is connected in tandem, you simply can't assign them separately.

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What is it you mean by "disabled"? Can you take a screenshot and post it?

Pulse 0 voti
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Ok Pulse, here it is the screenshot. See where is the cursor: FX2 is disabled (not active). This appen when I choose the djm 900 nexus2 as audio interface for rekordbox dj

Antonio 0 voti
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@Antonio > For future reference, to take a screen-shot on a Mac, press Command+Shift+4 then draw a box around what you want to capture, then a file is saved to your desktop. ;)

Can you please post a shot of the audio setup from the preferences?

Pulse 0 voti
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Ok Pulse if I have well understood I can use fx1 or fx2 for channel A and B. I've tryied but fx1 play only to channel A and not B. 

Antonio 0 voti
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Have you tried changing the FX selector on the software?

Pulse 0 voti
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ho collegato il mio djm 900 nexus2 al mio mac per usarlo con recordbox dj ma il software dopo aver scaricato il driver del mixer non riconosce la scheda audio, sapete perchè??

Marco Vinciguerra 0 voti
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