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Toraiz SP-16 MIDI playback

I am currently looking at the sampler module space and am very interested in what the SP-16 may offer.  However, one of the needs I have is a device that not only plays back audio samples, but also midi data as well.  I know something like the Octatrack has some basic midi playback functionality (not files, but internally generated midi data).

Is there a future upgrade that adds this support?



Michael Noriega Con risposta

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So there is no plan to playback .mid files (or the like), but they are looking to incorporate MIDI in/out functionality similar to that of the Octatrack.

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my sense is Pioneer may not fully exploit the full potential of the SP 16 as it may cannibalize on their current product lines. The SP 16 probably can be the nerve center of a set up (without a laptop) but Pioneer may just not do that. The current pre-launch videos are one of the dumbest ones i have ever seen. We will need to wait for early adopters to post some good ones. For me the SP16 fuses the worlds between Maschine, TR 8 , MPC Touch and Octatrack..... we have to wait and see how intelligent a firmware the Japs code! The hardware looks terrific and Dave's filters are just the icing.

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