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Toraiz Sp 16- Impression

Hi guys, am seeing a few user posts. For the benefit of the rest can you give some first impression comments on the SP 16. I am eyeing one but would like to know how significantly better is this compared to the electribe sampler before i splurge 1500. thanks

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) Con risposta

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hi TCO

check out the thread on Gearslutz, there's a 30 pager over there with nearly 1,000 posts discussing it. lost of in depth discussion about it's strengths and weaknesses. generally it's very positive feedback so far.


this forum is pretty dead nowadays, it just seems to be the place where people come with problems so it tends to be a bit negative. 

Phil 0 voti
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oh super thanks very much. yes i see that this forum has a tone to it and Pioneer's engagement here is rather weak to what i would expect from an industry standard brand. Toyota was the same in the 80s and it brought them to their knees....

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 voti
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Phil sorry, i didn't see any user reviews/comments from users at the above link. probably too early i guess

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 voti
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there's plenty of comments from users on there. the first 20 pages are a discussion before the Toraiz came out, after then there's plenty of in depth discussion, comparisons to other sampler products etc. 

Phil 0 voti
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