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RMX 1000 & Ableton Can i use with any controller?

Hi, Can i use Rmx 1000 VST in Ableton with any controller? For example, Xone K2? I try to mapping but i cant mapping some commands, Noise button, x-pad, etc...

How the controls are mapped? Is it possible to use this VST with K2?

Thanks in advance

Muñoz Muñoz

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4 commenti


yes you can. the vst operates just like any other vst in Live and you can midi map it to any controller. unfortunately the vst is 32bit only. 

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 voti
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Thank you but the problem is that i cant map x-pads in Xone K2 or Push. So, the question is, how to map x-pad in any controller? Which controllers are compatibles?

Has anyone done it? My RMX 1000 Hardware has broken and i want still working with Ableton and VST..

Muñoz Muñoz 0 voti
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ok i need to try this i didnt see a need for it since i have clips on ableton. wondering why you would want to do this in a DAW?

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 voti
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I would just like to have all the features of RMX 1000 in another controller. Effects, isolator, xpads...

Muñoz Muñoz 0 voti
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