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Hello Michael,
Are you referring to something similar to recording automation in a DAW?
Like recording a filter cutoff or EQ changes.
Does the SP16 Motion Sequence? Can it record parameter changes while record is active? I figure this is a standard feature these days but I saw no specific mention of it.
Hello Michael,
Are you referring to something similar to recording automation in a DAW?
Like recording a filter cutoff or EQ changes.
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Hey michael,if you mean tweak effects while recording yes it does but only the effects the dave smith filters do not record which also would be nice if it did but you would have to record with a laptop or something to record the knob tweaks,cutoff high and low pass.
Michael,i take that back,after looking into it, it seems like it does not record i tried and at first i thought it recorded but after moving the effects to a different position i noticed it did not go back to the original recorded position,my bad...
Wow... I'm really disappointed to hear that. for 1500 I would think it was standard. Even the circuit has motion sequencing and that practically a simon says toy compared to the Toraiz. I'm hoping it will be in a near future update. Ive been wanting this for many moons now and to hear theres no MIDI I/O and no motion sequencing .... I start to think I may as well get an octatrack... or just be content with my Electribe that DOES motion sequence.
I hear you,i think they should have waited until the product was more complete before announced and released it is lacking a lot of good feature it should have,hopefully that will change and not make another toraiz cause then i would have to sell this one to get the newer version if it comes out
i just got mine , its a great unit. Lets be realistic the Virus TI when it came out was a half baked integration, the Octatrack was released at 0.91. I am sure the Toraiz will build over its strength gradually. There still is a lot to explore on this ...
No automation record? Even my volca keys did this on release ;) sort it out pioneer. I want to be hyped on this sampler but it is SO weak and undercooked compared to mpc1000 +jjos, octatrack, push 2 (I know push isn't standalone but still...for production I'm nearly always near my computer anyway).
You can do this. You can record automation per step for the FX and for pitch. I've been doing it just now. Basically hold down a step and whatever shows up in red you can automate.
It would be nice to also be able to automate pan and ADSR information too, please Pioneer :)
Yes, you can definitely step automate.
The beef I have though with step automation, as it currently works, is that as the sequence is playing it doesn't show how the parameter is being automated.
EX. in the video, the user manipulates parameters per step, but then the value snaps back to the default value and doesn't show how it's moving while playing. LAME!!
It should work more like it does on Ableton's Push. Here's a good example of how it SHOULD be displaying the values while playing the sequence: