That is encouraging. I'm eager to review the updated operating manual.
Pioneer DJ Just release a new planned update map for the Firmware of the Toraiz SP-16.
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That is encouraging. I'm eager to review the updated operating manual.
Awesome Pioneer, and when does Autumn begin so far as the V1.2 firmware?
If you guys keep pumping this hard, I'll be buying a 2nd Toraiz soon!
Thanks for the update, great stuff.
I just gotta laugh when I hear people saying this and that about the 16....I wasn't happy with machine for forever and a day when it was released, and not satisfied with Ableton till V7.
Say what you will, but the 16's going to be something special.
and now they have all the time to whine about Maschine Jam!
Yep, that should keep them busy while we're making music.
So what's the "full scale" about? It seems to be the hardest thing to do when I see the list. It it like more capable of making samples sound like notes in stead of raster/slower samples? Could you please explain what it does?
ideal would be to have a sampling algorithm like ableton live 9.7.Or even Maschine 2.5. full scale i am hoping is you can get a choice of pre- determined scales, you can set scale parameters/octaves and the sampling engine is upgraded . Bonus would be able to play chords, arp e.t.c.