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XDJ RX3 show Track, BPM, Key on display please !!!


Show Trackname, BPM and Key on XDJ-RX3

Like on CDJ 3000 or Opus Quad it should be possible to show the same info on the display. Please make trackname, bpm and key visible and sortable at the playlists. The Display of the CDJ 3000 is 9", the display of the XDJ-RX3 is 10.1", so it's amazing that that's impossible...

Dj Michael G

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4 commenti


Agree! Very hard to efficiently pick songs without seeing BPM and key :/

Colton Hicks 0 voti
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Would also be nice to have this info displayed on the platters/jog wheels instead of just the album art.

Ben Royas 0 voti
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Very much agree! Having this information displayed on each row for a song instead of only one song at a time in the "Info" panel would be hugely helpful. I hate that it's not there!

Colton Hicks 0 voti
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