This is happening because there is no information about the color filters and gobos from the manufacturer. If you have this information, please send it here so we can update the fixture.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
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This is happening because there is no information about the color filters and gobos from the manufacturer. If you have this information, please send it here so we can update the fixture.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
i don't find it too so i tried with my machine and this is what we have :
Ch8 : Color :
* 0-15 White
* 16-31 Red
* 32-47 yellow
* 48-63 Green
* 64-79 Orange
* 80-95 Blue
* 96-111 Purple
* 112-127 Light Blue
* 128-191 Color rotate clockwise fast to slow
* 192-255 Color rotate counter-clockwise slow to fast
Ch9 : Gobo :
* 0-7 open (normal round)
* 8-15 Gobo 1 (little round)
* 16-23 Gobo 2
* 24-31 Gobo 3
* 32-39 Gobo 4
* 40-47 Gobo 5
* 48-55 Gobo 6
* 56-63 Gobo 7
* 64-73 Gobo 7 shake slow to fast
* 74-82 Gobo 6 shake slow to fast
* 83-91 Gobo 5 shake slow to fast
* 92-100 Gobo 4 shake slow to fast
* 101-109 Gobo 3 shake slow to fast
* 110-118 Gobo 2 shake slow to fast
* 119-127 Gobo 1 shake slow to fast
* 128-191 Gobo rotate clockwise fast to slow
* 192-255 Gobo rotate counter clockwise fast to slow
i'm not sure but i think that the ch10 (prism) is not working too .
Ch1 pan, Ch3 tilt, Ch6 dimmer, Ch7 strobe works well
Your fixture request has been updated in the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd