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CDJ 3000 Jog Wheel Issue Vinyl Mode

Just recently got my CDJ 3000 brand new from a DJ shop. Upon hooking up the CDJ 3000 I noticed that it needed a firmware update. I went ahead and updated both CDJs to the latest firmware.

I started mixing and I began to notice that the brand-new CDJ I just bought had a jog wheel issue that I do not know how to fix. While on "Vinyl" mode, the CDJ jog wheel seems extremely sensitive as I can stop the song with the outer ring instead of nudging or adjusting it slightly to match the other song. Generally in vinyl mode, the top of the platter acts as the scratch while the outer ring acts as an adjustment. I was wondering if this was a hardware issue or a firmware issue. When setting the CDJ to "CDJ" mode instead of "Vinyl", I do not have this issue but it does become pretty tedious to have to continuously switch back and forth between each just for adjustments. I would keep it on "CDJ" mode but every time you pause, it has the constant loop noise. 

I am not too sure what is wrong since I compared all the settings between my brand-new CDJ and the other I have, but I see no differences. I also have not had this issue with the other CDJ, so it seems that there is possibly an issue with the sensor and the platter itself. 

Cavo Fontana

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