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How to deactivate Device Library Plus and revert back to old library

I recently updated to 6.8.1 and was presented with the option to activate Device Library Plus, which I did. Now it is created a copy of every track that will not even play because of error: "Load error. The file could not be found." 

At this point I just want to remove all of these duplicate tracks and disable Device Library Plus asap because I have a show on Friday that I am trying to prepare for. Also, Device Library Plus does not work on any of the dj systems I use.

I think it it also changed the beat grid and wave forms, but I am not sure if that affected all of the tracks. Now when I connect my USB it starts syncing on its own, which has created two exports at the bottom of Rekordbox that were stuck at 0% after letting it go for 12 hours. I think if I can deactivate Device Library plus and remove these duplicates, I will be able to get my USB back to how it was before all of this. I really wish I never clicked yes to Device Library Plus.

Cory Brinkman

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I have the same problem. the export to device library plus takes way longer. i clicked 'no' but it still made it. it's so annoying.

Glenn-shea 2 voti
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Yes please, how does one disable device library plus? My export times have severely increased when clearly everyone wants them to be faster.

There is absolutely no reason in the world to use this new library format, except if you have to play on Opus Quad, since the library is incompatible with all other Pioneer products.

PS: I hope nobody in the world buys this opus quad, this incompatible library situation is scandalous!

Florian Bienefelt 1 voto
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I have also the same problem!! It is really annoying that they changed the Rekordbox library-setup completely for just one device. Also, all of a sudden it's no longer possible to add/export tracks manually to playlists on an USBdrive...

delaSarge 1 voto
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PS: was using a 256GB USB that always froze at 48% so maybe there is a problem with devices over 128GB on 6.8.1. Works fine on 6.8.0.

DaVOLD 0 voti
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I suspect this change sent my exporting times over the moon, man oh MAN this program is NEVER something you should update unless you have time to do some real troubleshooting with your equipment.

Reverting to 6.8.0 as DaVOLD here said seem to have fixed it.

Can someone please enlighten me as to WHY i need this extra library?

brutalbombs 0 voti
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Once sync manager is fixed this should export properly, there is definitely a bug when using sync manager vs just right clicking and exporting a playlist

for guys that want the Plus library its even worse cause now time is added to the export regardless

4 tests I did with the same 300 track playlist, formatting the drive between tests

tests 1,2 and 3 were doing a right click on the playlist and exporting to drive, test 4 was using sync manager

1. 6.8.0 Device Library PLUS only - export time 2 minutes, 5 seconds

2. 6.8.0 Device Library only (no plus library) - export time 3 minutes

3. 6.8.1 - both libraries forced - export time 3 minutes 25 seconds

4. 6.8.1 using sync manager - export time 5 minutes

so I will stick with 6.8.0, device library plus since it is the fastest export time for the OQ that I use until they fix these issues

BriChi 0 voti
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Unreal. I clicked No to disable Device Library Plus, Rekordbox created it anyway, the sync is slower, AND when it wrote my library to my USB all the new playlists created with 6.8.2 are empty in previous Device Library and so can't be read on my decks while the same playlists have the correct content for Device Library Plus but none of my gear can read that format.

How the !@##$ does this get past QA?

dowism 0 voti
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Yeah same thing here. Export times are way longer, Rekordbox seems to be way slower in general, and my CDJs have now said my USB needs reformatting - which has never happened before. Going to have to revert to 6.8.0. Does anyone know if this means I'll need to re-analyze all my tracks if I revert? 

Dolemite 0 voti
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@Dolemite It will not have to re-analyze. I went back to 6.8.0 and it has been going well.

Cory Brinkman 0 voti
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Same here, sync time is much longer since this new library we don't need was activated.

I understand that the new library might be an improvement internally, but if the sync time is longer, in practice is it's not good for the users. Are there any plans to make it faster?

I will downgrade Rekordbox version too for now.

Antonio VS 0 voti
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