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Crystal Ball LED 6x3W RGB (7CH)

Hi !
Could you please ad the fixture :

Company : Unknow
Model : Crystal Ball LED 6x3W RGB (7CH)

Here's the DMX Chart (don't have a link, pic or notice, because too old) :

ch1 : Master Dimmer [0-255 = 0 to 100%]

ch2 : Red [0-255 = 0 to 100%]

ch3 : Green [0-255 = 0 to 100%]

ch4 : Blue [0-255 = 0 to 100%]

ch5 : Strobe [0-9 = off] [10-255 = fast to slow]

ch6 : Rotation [0-5 = off] [6-80 = clockwise] [81-127 = anti clockwise] [128-255 =  auto rotate slow to fast]

ch7 : mode [0-199 =  DMX] [200-221 = Music mode 1] [222-255 = music mode 2]

Thx a lot to you and Happy New Year !!!!

DJ Raph Completato

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Unfortunately, we need the complete manual for this fixture request. However, you can use the following fixture which has the same channel structure and DMX values as your request. If at any point you have the complete manual available, we would be happy to add it for you.

Manufacturer: Solmore
Fixture: Sound Activated Crystal Magic Effect

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 voti
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Thanx a lot ! The fixture you noticed works fine. All is OK !

DJ Raph 0 voti
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