Did someone solve this? I have the same issue and it has 'infected" other players of mine when I try to load settings.
SeguiCDJ3000 displays classic key instead of alphanumeric
Even though I set in Rekordbox to use alphanumeric keys, on the USB device (Key display format: Alphanumeric), in Rekordbox preferences (Display: key display format: Alphanumeric, with or without Display the key info from the db), CDJ3000 is showing me tracks with mixed formats:
- Alphanum
- Classical
Any idea where I should look at?
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It might be caused by some files having the key stored in the file in a different format, and then Rekordbox shows the original format of that file instead of the format in your current settings. That's what is mentioned at "https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/900003347283-Rekordbox-6-won-t-change-to-alphanumeric"
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