set it in the Rekordbox settings and choose to auto push to all USB drives that are plugged in or uncheck that and go in to settings for any new usb plugged in and click to "apply on all connected devices"
Hi all, I'm confused by the "My settings" support on the Opus Quad via USB stick. Apparently I can load settings from a USB drive on the Opus Quad. However, how and where can I save the desired settings on the USB for the Opus Quad to load?
In rekordbox on PC I can look at the stored settings on the USB device by clicking on the device where I can also set sort options etc. But I can't change anything there, e.g. the "Deck load lock" function is "off" but I always have it on on my OQ. I don't see any option on the OQ to save the actual settings to the USB. So the settings on the USB don't reflect my actual OQ settings.
I haven't tried loading the settings from USB as I don't want those settings and also don't want to risk anything if it's not clear how it works.
Thanks for any insights!
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set it in the Rekordbox settings and choose to auto push to all USB drives that are plugged in or uncheck that and go in to settings for any new usb plugged in and click to "apply on all connected devices"
Ah, that's how it works, thank you so much! I guess I don't need to load the settings on my own OQ because it keeps them (mostly) but good as a backup or if using on a different device or if someone changed the settings.
yes, the only settings I see the OQ is not saving for me are things like MT, pitch % difference and a few others
Adjust your settings on the device, then use the 'Save My Settings' option in the Utility menu to write them to the USB drive for future use