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Cameo WOOKIE 400 RGB | Is enabling but not turning off.


I can add this laser via the lightning page in Rekordbox, but it is only turning on the laser, even if i don’t click the fixture in the dmx list. After i put the wookie in the correct dmx channel, it immediately turns on and won’t turn off again.

Could you try to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

  • Manufacturer: Cameo
  • Model Name / Number: WOOKIE 400 RGB 
  • Fixture type: laserprojector
  • A link to the product website (not a retailer page please!)


  • A link to the product manual


  • DMX channel modes (where available)


Roy Keetels Non pianificato

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Please note that only specific DMX lighting fixture features – such as the dimmer, strobe, color and moving head (PAN/TILT) – can be controlled with LIGHTING mode.

The lighting fixtures, which have other features than the above, may not work as expected.

Please also take note that effect lights, lasers, fog machines, and all-in-one lighting systems are not supported.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 voti
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Thanks, i know the laser is not supported. 
But it is in the supported fixture list inside Rekordbox.

But i only would like to turn it on and off when possible.

I can see it is recognised in the rekordbox lightning, but it only turns on and then it is not possible to turn off. 

Thanks in advance!

Roy Keetels 0 voti
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Which channel version of Cameo WOOKIE 400 RGB do you use, 3ch or 9ch mode? 

When seeing the 3ch mode manual, DMX mode does not exist. 

It is impossible to be used with rekordbox.

If you use 9ch mode, DMX mode exists at least in CH1.

When rekordbox lighting engineers tested on the simulator, when using 9ch mode, 192 is sent to CH1.

Also, they assume colors specified in Macro Editor are sent to CH2. 

However, when using the simulator before sending any signals, the image below is shown. 

They were not able to see any movement of a lighting fixture. 

Based on the above information, if you have any questions or issues, please let us know.

AlphaTheta Support

Keiko 0 voti
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Thanks a lot for your time! I will go use it with this settings! You are a big help, many thanks.

Roy Keetels 0 voti
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