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Smart Sync feature


Recently i passed from DDJ SX so DDJ 1000. The only thing i really miss from serato, and the only thing i hate about rekordbox is the sync feature. The "smart sync" feature from serato is great! Why don't you, pioneer integrate this feature too? For example, when i pass from a track to another, i want to raise the pitch. I raise it from a deck, in this time i fade out one of the tracks, and then, the master sync gets automatically to the other deck, and i have to raise the pitch from there, but i have to manualy get it to where the other deck left it.


Don't know if you understand me, or if you know what i mean, but if you mix two tracks on serato, one with 80 bpm for example, and one with 95, and if you want to raise the pitch in the same time you are mixing the tracks, you will see what i mean. I am really interested of your answer! thanks! 

Sorin Popliuc Con risposta

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It's at the top of my personal list -- believe me, it's a feature I sorely miss and hope they consider including!

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We will trust that they do it soon, we are many who are conditioned to press only once to synchronize and not twice, for example, and the way to raise and lower the pitch should also improve when they are synchronized. That is to say that if we have deck1 and 2 at 130Bpm, but we want to go down to 80, when we move the pitch it warns us that we have to reset the master tempo, and when we reach the reset point to begin to go down, we have to be very fine, and slow to do it safely. In other systems you can not go wrong because if you have to go up to 130, do not let go of 130, until you surpass (without going up to more than 130) and you can go down with the slider without big changes that spoil the mix, do not if I explain it correctly ... if necessary I could record a video to explain better. Thank you

Ren3martin 0 voti
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Don't "trust" that they'll do anything on a schedule convenient to your needs. ;)

Pulse 0 voti
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