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Toraiz SP-16 & DJS-1000 SYNC

 We need these units to be able to sync when using RB (Performance Mode) currently they only sync on RB (Export Mode) 

Jova Con risposta

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@Rafa > Thanks for trying to assist, but Jova was not looking for answers in how to solve the issue; this is the product suggestions forum.

@Jova > We're aware of the limitation and as many users have requested it, our team is investigating how to make this happen.

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10 commenti


I feel of Toraiz was not made to RecordboxDJ even using RB


The initial focus of DJS 1000 or Toraiz are CDJs ( i have this impression)


I sujet you to make a choice:

Or CDJS with Toraiz or DJS1000

Or Rekordbox DJ using the samples and pads of your controller 


(did you was buy Toraiz ou DSJ-1000? and are you trying to connect or you just want know if is possible ?) 

Rafa 0 voti
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I was talking about both units but mainly the DJS because it works better with the CDJ's

Jova 0 voti
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Sorry I can not use the Rekordbox DJ and i dont understand why do you want use this together with Toraiz ou DJS...

I would use

OR the Rekordbox Dj with a good controller and have a lot od samples 


OR DJS/ Toraiz with CDJs

but I respect you, but I dont feel of they will do this...

Rafa 0 voti
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I don't want to use the Toraiz & DJS  together,I want to use 2 CDJ's and the DJS-1000 together with Rekordbox DJ on (Performance Mode) but it is not possible to use SYNC on the DJS while on Performance Mode

Jova 0 voti
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You can use the Rekordbox in Sync on your computer and you will read the number of the BPM in your computer and put the same bpm in the DJS.

Then you press play in DJS and they will be in SYNC forever, until you press STOP in DJS.

Finish, no cables, no problem and easy and in SYNC

Rafa 0 voti
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I know how to manually set the bpm,but that is not sync,because if i move the tempo slider it will not follow the bpm, ((NOTE)) i am talking about Performance Mode NOT Export Mode because export mode does sync 

Jova 0 voti
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I understand you.

Then 1st Change the Tempo Slide in Performance mode in Rekordbox, look the BPM and copy the BPM in DJS

Question: you using Toraiz SP-16 or DJS-1000?
Question 2: What kind of Style of music you are playing? Hip Hop? Techno? House? Rap?

Rafa 0 voti
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