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5 follower Segui

1.50 update is here!

Ok, so nothing more than live sampling, pioneer just did the minimum. It could have been ok except the that the chosen color, red, for the live sampling is really not a good choice IMHO. But you delivered the live sampling, so kudos for that.

I really unhappy that we still can not record midi note, from a midi keyboard attached, to midi track (with 4 voices poly). We still have to enter notes manually or use a sample track which respond to midi in, but monophonic.....


so waiting for the 1.6 roadmap...with this midi fix, more editing possibilities 


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Thank you guys for all your feedback and request. This great information will be passed along to the production team.

Thank you.

Dj Creme
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14 commenti


Thanks a lot pioneer, promised and delivered :)

Not my number one on my wishlist, but still very useful.

Did not even try it, can´t say anything about the color so far.

My little wishlist for now:

  • Two fx slots for sample and more effects 
  • Saving multiple tracks (sounds/samples) as drum sets and being able to load those into an existing project with sequencer triggers. This way you would be able to load a full drum set in a useable sequence without the need to load each sample separately. 
cashcooper 0 voti
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Yes I definitely agree with the 2 posts above regarding things that need fixing.

Also better file management of your samples is a must.

Regarding the live-sampling, I'm very happy that feature was included as it was something I was waiting patiently for. I would however like if it gave the option of starting to record on the next beat after hitting a pad, instead of being instantaneous, as when sampling yourself playing something - that requires 2 hands to play - it's impossible to hit a pad and play immediately. Although I understand that probably Pioneer aren't expecting people to be sampling themselves playing, I do it all the time with my loopers. But regardless, if your timing isn't great it would benefit you also.

samomalo 0 voti
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option to start the next beat should be mandatory. when you are an instrument player it will be difficult to have good timing. seems it has been developed only to sample live a cd player.

RcMuSic 0 voti
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Thanks for the update!

I, too, though, would like to see more effects added (the same as on the DJS-1000 would be great!). 

Blue Monster 65 0 voti
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Guys are reporting a bug in the new update - apparently the filter and drive are activated by default for all projects. This behaviour persisted after a downgrade.

Reeeeeee! Generator 0 voti
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everyone wanted a new update after 1.5, so i guess we will have one to correct this bug ;-))))

RcMuSic 0 voti
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Thanks for the bug report, I wonder if they consider this bad enough to deliver a Hot Fix update soon.

So, when is the next bigger update expected, couldn't find a timeline for any further ones in the future? Did a official timeline by pioneer ever exist, or did I dream about this some night? 

OK, I´ll try a hopeful speculation, next one gonna be version 2.0 on 24th of December, featuring 2fx slots per sample, save tracks as drumsets, better and more effects, a ADSR envelope  for amp and filter, better sample editing, that should be doable haha ;)))

cashcooper 0 voti
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Oh, man - I wouldn’t speculate anything ; that’s how rumors become canon!   

Let’s just HOPE we get another update with more features ...

Blue Monster 65 0 voti
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I am sure it will happen, my crystal ball is always right ;)

It would be really sad if Pioneer wouldn't do anything anymore and I personally highly doubt that, want to doubt that, this machine has so much potential. It would be such a missed opportunity to not continue . 


cashcooper 0 voti
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There certainly is lots of potential (I love mine as-is) and I’ve been told (by a rep - not on any board) that they are fully committed to the SP-16.  That said I would hate to see those comments thrown back as “Pioneer promised!” Like a few others I’ve seen.

I’m just keeping my fingers crossed! 

(edited for iPad errors)

Blue Monster 65 0 voti
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"Thank you guys for all your feedback and request. This great information will be passed along to the production team.

Thank you.

D.j. Creme"

Thanks for the recognition Pioneer, good to read your positive words ;)

I really love to work with the Toraiz, would love this even more with some improvements mentioned. ;)

cashcooper 0 voti
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This is what I wrote:

Thanks for the recognition Pioneer, good to read your positive words ;)

I really love to work with the Toraiz, would love this even more with some improvements mentioned. ;)

cashcooper 0 voti
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