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Toraiz SP-16 internal clock & MIDI sync issues

 I can't manage to get a stable recording out of my SP-16 no matter what I do.

When synced to MIDI, the sequencer slowly drifts out of sync over time, as much as a 16th at times.

I've been using the internal clock and lining up my tracks in Ableton after recording.  However the internal clock also drifts off beat over time, so over the course of a four minute song the machine falls behind by around a 32nd.

It has a horrible effect on the rhythm and makes the machine unusable for me to record with.  Ive used lots of different old and new drum machines and synths within my setup and this is one of the worst clock issues Ive had.

Has anyone experienced this?

I'm still on firmware 1.4, has anyone updated and noticed any MIDI/Clock improvements?


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Are you on Windows? Ableton has too many MIDI sync problems on Windows machines.

Ableton in general does not sync well to external MIDI clock and you should always use it as the master clock, especially if recording.

I don't have any sync issues with mine synced to Ableton on a Mac. There is a small delay which is easy to offset on the SP16 or in Live, but the clock timing is solid.

The only timing issues I have read about come from using long time-stretched samples.

Make sure you are connecting the SP-16 directly to the computer's USB port, not on a hub. If you use a MIDI interface instead, plug that into the computer without a hub. In Live' MIDI preferences make sure the Sync OUTPUT is enabled for the SP-16 port and set the clock type to "Song". On the Toraiz enable Song Position in the Settings...

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I'm on a mac based setup with the audio interface connected directly to computer.  My sync output settings were already as you described.  I'm not syncing ableton to anything.

The issue may be connected to the arranger in the SP16, as it is when using the arranger to play back a set of patterns while synced to ableton that I first noticed the clock problems. (its gradually lagging behind over time)


A S 0 voti
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Just checked again.  Not the arranger, still happens when just playing a 1 bar pattern of 4/4 kicks... 

A S 0 voti
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If you have time stretch on , then the sp16 doesn’t  hold good midi timing , with timestretch off you should be ok.

people are using it as master clock because of this issue.

Christopher Duran 0 voti
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I'm only using one shot samples, no loops, no timestretch.

A S 0 voti
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Seems to be an ongoing issue with the Toraiz - I have half a dozen Roland Aira's and Midi Sync is out by 1/4 note (1 of 16 steps). It's worst when changing scenes and causes and audible stutter. It completely messes up my tr-8's scatter function, I wish they would fix this. Apparently they had similar problems with their own AS-1 so there is definitely something amiss here.

bandit meerkat 0 voti
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Yeah, I have to use the SP-16 as the master in every configuration. If it's set as slave, it will not stay in sync dependably.

Midnight Music Club 0 voti
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I have exactly the same problem : Midi Sync is out by 1/4 note (1 of 16 steps) with my Erica Synth Drum Sequencer.. A solution exist ?

Rodolphe RIESBECK 0 voti
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for me it is now impossible to get a good midi out from the unit. before the last update it seemed to be stable but now the last update made things really crazy related to midi sync. 

Fernando S 0 voti
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