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Lixada Mini moving head not mapped properly


I have a few Lixada 25W DMX Mini Moving heads.  They are listed under "Lixada" as well as "unknown".  Both profile appear to have the correct DMX channels but it seems like RB is sending data on the 5th channel which causes it to persistently slow strobe. Could you verify that the channels are set correctly?

1 Pan 0-255

2 Tilt 0-255

3 Color 

4 Gobo

5 Strobe (should be zero for no strobe)

6 Dimming

7 Speed of Pan/Tilt

8 Auto Mode

9 Reset channel


Not sure if this is a bug in the altabase DB or rekordbox.  Thanks! 



DJ Chase Con risposta

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We need to know the exact name of the fixture you are talking about, as you see it in the library.

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 voti
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It is under brand "Lixada" and called "Mini Gobo Moving Head Light. 9 chs".  The 11ch variant also shares the same issue.  I tested this in both 9 and 11 channel modes on my units.  Basically Ch 5 needs to be at 0 by default otherwise the unit goes into strobe mode. Thanks


DJ Chase 0 voti
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According to documentation, at DMX 0, the shutter is closed. 

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 voti
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Yes, correct, but that is for Channel 6 which is Dimming. 

Channel 5 is strobe.  Value of 0 is no strobe and 255 is fast strobe.

So by default, for full brightness CH 6 should be at 255 and and CH 5 should be at 0.  


DJ Chase 0 voti
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Dear Altabase Team, here's is a copy of the  manual:  


I double checked again and Channel 5 is infact strobe. The value must be zero.  Curently it's sending a value between 1 and 254, causing it to flash. Could you please reset the mapping so it only sends 0 on channel 5?

Also, here's the colors for mapping on channel 3:

white 0

red 12

green 28

blue 32

yellow 46

purple 53

turquoise 63

orange 74


Just to reiterate, in 9 CH mode, DMX 5 should be 0 (No Strobe) and DMX CH 6 should be 255 (for full brightness).

There are color combos but i left those out for now.  I'm happy to make the changes myself if you can tell me where the database is kept on MacOS.  Thanks


DJ Chase 0 voti
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We have a different documentation for the 'Lixada - Mini Gobo Moving Head Light'. According to ours, the dmx values for the strobe channel are different. But, you can use the 'Unknown - 60W Mini Moving Head Gobo Light' which seems to have exactly the dmx details you mention for the strobe and dimmer channels.

Giannis Chalkias - AtlaBase 0 voti
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Thank you, the unknown 60W Mini Moving Head Gobo Light matches the DMX channels, and the light now operates normally, with the exception of colors, the colors are completely off.  Seeing as there is another thread with someone complaining about the Lixada DMX channels, perhaps the copy you have is an older version? Or can we have a second fixture Lixada Mini Moving Head with Gobo V.2 with the settings I mentioned?  Or a last alternative is to allow us to manually edit the SQL/CSV file with the colors settings that match our fixtures. Thanks!

DJ Chase 0 voti
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We cannot be sure if any version we have about those fixtures is older or updated. We cannot even be sure about the manufacturer (hence the Unknown brand). But of course, we could make a mode in one of them to fit your needs. But in order to do so, we will need detailed information about the color channel values you mentioned in your previous post. Could you please send us the detailed DMX information about the color channel (eg 0-11 Open, 12-27 Red.....128-255 Spinning Wheel etc)?

Giannis Chalkias - AtlaBase 0 voti
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The dmx details you have sent us stop at orange 74. Could you please send us the full dmx values for this channel? As I mentioned in my previous post, we will need detailed information about the whole channel, which also means the full dmx ranges covered by each color eg. White 0-11, red 12-27.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Giannis Chalkias - AtlaBase 0 voti
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Yes here's the full ranges for channel 3 (color)

0 - 9 white

10-19 red

20-29 green

30 - 39 blue

40 - 49 yellow

50-59 purple

60-69 turquoise

70-79 orange

80-89 torquiise orange

90-109 purple blue

110-119 yellow purple

120-129 blue yellow

130-139 blue green

140 - 255 color change slow to fast

DJ Chase 0 voti
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