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RMX connects with DJM-800

Hello everyone, 

It's my first time here.

Can someone help me out.
I want to hear the effects of the RMX on the headphone and i want to record te effects on my PC.

I got:

Two CDJ 850 
One DJM-800
One RMX 1000

If i put the master line on the RMX input and then output of the RMX to my PC, i don't hear the effects.
I work with tulip plugs.
Can somebody please help me out?


Sofiaan Haanstra - Chalati Con risposta

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To make the most out of your setup, I'd recommend connecting it as outlined in the manual on page 6, via the send/return connections. This allows you to assign any channel of the mixer to the RMX using the send/return FX selection.

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