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Thank you for your message. This is a known issue and the development team IS working on the next update.
Pio, it would be useful if the Squid could record midi IN over USB. I do see the midi indicator on the Squid screen registering activity when I play my synth routing through an iconncectivity imidi4+ to the Squid over USB, however, I cannot get it to record any midi notes over USB.
Thank you for your message. This is a known issue and the development team IS working on the next update.
Il post è chiuso ai commenti.
I agree with this also. The Squid seems to be really crippled in a few key areas. It also seems as though there is zero development going on to address any of said issues.
Hi Rhythm Droid, that is great news.
While you are talking in their ear, wouldn't it be great if we could apply running direction, speed control, groove control, melodic control, speed modulation, rhythmic control and transpose to ALL patterns on ALL tracks in realtime - imagine that as a cool jamming / inspiration.
I know this can be achieved (albeit rather painstakingly) saving pattern sets, but hey, I'm not sure how restrictive the code is, but being able to do this in real time (rather than as programming) would KILL...
I think I'll add this as a separate request.
Hello Simon Fine and Rhythm Droid,
that is strange, because I have a similar setup: Launchpad Pro (in Scale Mode) connected via an USB-Hub to the MIDI4+, Squid connected via the same USB-Hub to the MIDI4+ and I can record MIDI absolutely flawless.
Hi Torben, just to eliminate the obvious, you don't have any MIDI DIN connections between the Squid and MIDI4+ ?
This is strange as Pio have acknowledged it as an issue.
My Setup was so:
This was just a test for me, to check out if it works like intended.
There was a little fiddle in the settings of the MIDI4+ to get it send out the MIDI.
I will try to rebuild this setup this evening. Maybe with a little YouTube-Video. But I don't promise... ;-)
lol, if I had a euro for each time I planned to shoot a YouTube video :)
I wonder if there is something in your iconfig routing settings that is making the difference.
I will check my routing this evening, though I am quite sure that I have a midi keyboard (prophet X) going to the same USB hub as the Squid, which is connected to the hub port of the MIDI4+. I get no USB midi into the squid. However, if I replace the USB connection between the Squid and the HUB with a DIN connection between the Squid and the MIDI4+ the squid does receive midi.
I am now intrigued.
That's what I ment with "a little fiddle in the settings of the MIDI4+ to get it send out the MIDI".
I think, there is the issue.
My test-setup was very easy. I only used Squid, Launchpad Pro, MIDI4+ and Blofeld connected via DIN to the Squid.
And I could play the Blofeld with the Launchpad Pro through the Squid on the active Part.
OK, will test this evening.
I will also send USB midi directly out of my PC to the squid, to eliminate any potential iconfig routing issues too.
Will update soon!
better late than never:
This is my quick video to show my test-setup.
Torben, I promise I always believed you :)
Thanks for making the video. This is strange.
I tried connecting Ableton directly to my Squid over USB and could not get the Squid to record any USB midi - so this eliminates any iconnect / iconfig routing potential issues (though I am comfortable enough using the iconnect gear anyway).
I double checked all my global settings (and even changed some in case of naming convention confusion)
I tried a 2nd USB cable
I see incoming USB midi activity but it will not record anything.
Pioneer - over to you...
same issue for me,
i can see the triangle flicker on the screen showing its receiving midi yet it wont record into the sequencer or pass it through to instruments
also the squid manager doesnt stay on top
when i try to drag a midi clip from within abletons browser it jumps to the background making it frustrating to put midi into it.. it would be better if stayed in front and you can minimize it when you are finished using it
Hi all,
I was posting about a different topic in another forum and someone casually mentioned a SOLUTION that we have all possibly been overlooking to my issue in my OP.
In global settings, I had record channel set to ‘receive all midi’ which you would think it receives everything but it had to be set to ‘receive all USB' - It works!!!