Dear Sir,
Please update "Fixture Library" on your rekordbox LIGHTING mode to ver1103 or later.
Note that you should once remove that fixture, and again re-mapping one.
i have Big Problems with the DMX Settings of this Lamp ,
I can not Change the Color ,no Strobe only White Light on no Dimmer Possible ...
Please Check the Setting of Your Fixture Library ,I can not USE the 17Ch Mapping the is only Moving of the Lamp but no LIGHTS on ...all Dark
On 10 Ch Mode it is Working But Only in White ....
Thank you Very much
Best Regards
Martin Jens
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Dear Sir,
Please update "Fixture Library" on your rekordbox LIGHTING mode to ver1103 or later.
Note that you should once remove that fixture, and again re-mapping one.
Good evening
I'm sorry but it not Run Perfect ,now on 17ch Mode the Spot is perfect Working ..but the RGBW Led´s Outside not Glowing .
in 10ch Mode all is Working but every time Spot and RGBW Led´s are on ,I think this is Ok and the only way of Programming at 10 Channel Mode .
But I Need a Good Setting on 17Ch Mode to use the Washer(rgbw LEDS) and the Spot Separate .
My opinion is the Setting of the Fader in Midi Channel 7+8 is not Correct ,on 17ch Mode it is Important that the Fader Nr 7 is setting between 1- 255 % for Dimmer ,and the Fader nr 8 must be Setting over 251% -255% for Lamp on or Strobe (5-250%slow to fast).This is only Working when the Fader 16 is on 0% !! the change and set the Color with Channel 12 RED +13Green +14Blue +15White 0-255% dark to High <level
otherwise you you set the Fader nr16 between 11-255% and can use One Color ,Mix colors and Color Change
Please Know the Fader Ch 17 must between 0-7% all the Settings are Show Programms and Remove (Overwrite) all other Setting in Color ,Light Intensity ,Strobe ect .
here The Overwiev from the Show Programms of Channel 17
8-37% Show Prog.1 =. Only Spot Glowing and Moving Slow with Gobo´s And Color Change
38-67% Show Prog. 2 = Only Spot +GOBO+ Color Change + Strobe!
68-98% Show Prog.3 = Only Washer Glowing and Moving +Color Change
99-128% Show Progr.4 = Only Washer Glowing and Moving + Color Change + Strobe!!
129-159% Show Prog.5= Washer and Spot Glowing ,Color Change +Gobo Spot Moving
160-189% Show prog.6=Washer and Spot Glowing ,Color Change +Gobo Spot Moving only in front direction
190-220% Show Prog7=ONly Spot +Color Change + Moving only Turn Special Gobo
221-250% Show Prog.8 = Only Washer Color Change and Turn Around
251-255% Motor reset !!
Best Regards
Martin Jens
Dear Sir,
Please update your Fixture Library to ver1104 or later on your rekordbox LIGHTING mode.
Good Evening
Very Good Work and a BIG THANK YOU
from Hamburg ,now all is Working and im VERY Happy about that .
Next Saturday I have a bIg Gig and now all is Ready to Work .
best Regards
Martin Jens