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Rekordbox DDJ-1000 and Reloop 8000 Mk2 Functionality.

I have the Rekordbox version of the DDJ-1000. I know some midi mapping would be involved, but will the Reloop 8000 mk2 and all its features be fully functional on my RB DDJ? I'd hate to have to sell my DDJ for the Serato version, just to have full functionality on the 8000 mk 2. Ready to buy the 8000 mk2's and DVS, but want to be sure I won't be unable to utilize all the midi features. Thanks.
Jake McGann

Commento ufficiale


As the 8000MK2 is a MIDI controller, you could use its pad functionality to control rekordbox for those items - the timecode input from vinyl would need the DVS plus-pack for rekordbox, but that's it.

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