Commento ufficiale
Sorry, there are no plans to create an SDK for rekordbox at this time.
Avid user of Rekordbox, loving the direction towards being more then just my favorite media manager. One thing thou that I am a little disappointed is that we just have no way to customize or extend our workflows inside of Rekordbox.
My feature request would be an official SDK, even if it's subject to restrictions. I am a senior software dev by day, and would love to be able to tweak my workflows even more. I realize that opens up new concerns about stability and "who is responsible", then add as a part a "experimental mode" checkbox with a buyer beware. I have a feeling I am not the only one in this regards (ie: feature request for the ability to modify/skin the user interface, again, workflows!)
Thanks so much and keep up the great work!
Sorry, there are no plans to create an SDK for rekordbox at this time.
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