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ADJ - Mega Bar RGBA

Could you please fix the support for this bar? It is listed in the fixture library but seems to not be functioning correctly. It will randomly work on gradual light changes but not light changes that are U shaped.

American DJ Mega Bar RGBA


Manual: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/lit_files/91823.pdf

7 DMX Channel modes: 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18 or 34 channel modes

Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you!

DJ Serino Non pianificato

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Dear Sir,

Thanks for your comment. Please update the fixture library to ver1123 or later on rekordbox lighting mode. Once you should remove that fixture on "FIXTURE LIBRARY" screen. Then you search"Mega Bar RGBA" and re-mapping this.

As for the operating, please see the below manual.


 - 3.4 Assigning your fixtures (LIGHTING mode)

 - 5.5 Edit of scenes (LIGHTING mode)


Kanta 0 voti
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Hi Kanta,

Thanks for sending that info. I updated to ver1123 then ver1124, followed the instructions, updated to RBX 6.0.3 and it still doesn't function properly. I ran different scenarios to see if I could identify the problem. The update seems to have split the single fixture into 8 bar light zones. Please see the scenarios and issues detailed below.

Scenario 1: Set all bars to "Bar 1"

Result: The light doesn't properly strobe when running the autoscripted light show during a U effect (light on and off). If I edit one of the bars to perform the same exact function and save over it that one zone will function properly for the section of the light show I edited.

Scenario 2: Set all bars to "Simple Bar 1"

Result: Same issue as scenario 1. Also, it seems that the autoscripted light shows are not as good looking as when all bars are set to "Bar 1" instead.

Scenario 3: Set bars 1-6 as it's own number then 7&8 as bar 1. 

Result: This will create different light shows for each section of the bar so the light shows will not be synced and it doesn't look right.

Looking at the results it seems that the issue has to do with the fixture and the autoscripted light show more specifically when strobe is involved. Could you please fix this bug?

If it's not a bug, is it possible that something is wrong with my brand new RB-DMX1?

Is setting all of my zones for this one fixture to "Bar 1" the recommended way to set this up?

Lastly, if the one fixture was intended to be split up into 8 different zones this creates a lot of unnecessary work when programming a light show as people would have to edit each zone on each fixture one by one since the program doesn't allow you to select multiple fixtures at the same time when editing the light show. Also, when I try to copy a section of one fixture it won't allow me to paste it in another zone of the same fixture.

Could you please add the following features to your product development cue in order to help streamline editing light shows?

1) Ability to select and edit more than one zone or fixture at a time. (sometimes you want multiple fixtures to have the same color or do the same effect)

2) Ability to copy and paste a light scene from one zone or fixture into another.

Please let me know if you need any further additional information in order to identify the bug. I've included a screenshot of the scene causing an issue below for your reference.

Thank you!


DJ Serino 0 voti
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Hi Kanta,


Just following up on this, any luck? I need to know if this is a hardware issue and I need to return my RB-DMX1 or if it's a software issue. I'm running the lastest version of rekordbox 6 with the latest fixture library on Mac 10.15.5.


Thank you

DJ Serino 0 voti
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