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RMX-1000 with DJM-450


I am producer of electronic music and for that i use 2 DJS-1000 and 1 DJM-450. I receive today my new RMX-1000 and i would like to connect the RMX-1000 to the send-return function of DJM-450.

Unfortunately it do not work.

Can you maybe help me?

Thank you,

Michael Ramirez Con risposta

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Hey Michael,

The DJM-450's send/return is designed for the USB connection on the top of the mixer, it doesn't have a conventional "send/return loop."

My recommendation to use the two together is to connect the master output from the DJM to the input of the RMX, then from the output of the RMX to your speakers or recording device.

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Thank's for your answer.
Yes of course connected like that it work perfectly.
But my problem is that i use also Rekordbox connected in USB with my DJM-450 and when i record a live set, the effects from the RMX-1000 are not recorded. It is logic, Rekordbox take only the sound from DJM.
Maybe you have a solution to can apply the effects or map the RMX-1000 with Rekordbox ?
Thank you for your support,

Michael Ramirez 0 voti
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Because there is no send/return loop, you're unable to connect the RMX in such a way that the audio can be sent out to that device and then input back into the mixer so it's captured by the recording feed from the mixer.

You could certainly map the RMX-1000 to control various aspects of rekordbox as it is a MIDI controller, but it wouldn't be the RMX's effects.

To record into the computer with the method I've described, you will need another audio interface to capture the output from the RMX.

Pulse 0 voti
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Yes, in fact, i was thinking of this solution.
Thank you for your help 😉

Michael Ramirez 0 voti
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