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S11 Crossfader Reverse Causing Cue Fader Reverse Too

Hello: So I scratch with the crossfader on reverse, i.e., hamster. However, this has resulted in the reversing the channels for the cue fader as well. Thus, cueing for channel 1 will now be on the right while cueing channel 2 will be on the left, i.e., opposite. This was never the case when using button cueing systems on other pioneer mixers when the crossfader reverse was engaged, e.g., djm 450, djm 800, djm 900. I’ve had mixers from other brands before using cue channel faders, e.g., Rane and Vestax. Using the cross fader on reverse has never caused the channels to reverse for the cue fader for other brands. Pioneer, hoping this can be fixed in a firmware update? I’m not sure if this was how the channel cue fader system worked on the S9 (never used one before). Thank you!
Brian Ferguson Con risposta

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We're aware of this -- it was implemented intentionally but we realize that some DJs would prefer not to reverse the cueing and have passed this feedback to the product team. Thanks for your patience while they investigate and consider the options.

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11 commenti


Hey Pulse!

Thanks for the comment. I wanted to follow up and see if there were any potential updates to this issue as I just ran into it upon purchasing a new S11.

Thank and appreciate your time!

Rob Sicat 0 voti
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This for me is a big inconvenience ...
Hope it can be fixed in a firmware update!

loomy 0 voti
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Hi.  I'm wondering if this cue fader reverse "issue" also happens on the new DJM-S7.  

DJ Ever 0 voti
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I can't confirm as I don't have one here, but if it does, it too will be fixed... 

Pulse 0 voti
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Why would you guys reserve cue with the crossfaded reverse switch..? My s-9 didn't reverse the cue when I reverse the crossfader.. Freaking thing throws my flow off. It's annoying? While you're at it add split cue.

L Razo 0 voti
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No updates, but our team is working on it. Thanks for your patience.

Pulse 0 voti
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Thanks for the quick response hopefully soon fingers crossed.

Krisp Kutz 0 voti
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I DJed with the S11 for the first time last night, being a long time S9 user. Just some more input from a Pioneer customer: This makes the S11 a nonstarter for me, as long as this issue isn't corrected, I will never buy the S11.

Konrad Hugentobler 0 voti
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