Product & Feature Suggestions
Suggestions Disclaimer
Link rekordbox and ableton live
Virtual MIDI Clock or Ableton Link support in Rekordbox DJ
MIDI Clock in Rekordbox DJ
DDJ-1000: Have a "Phase meter" instead of "CUE Scope"!!!
Ableton Link
Polyrhythmic loop on Opus-Quad
Camelot Key System PLEASE
Midi clock/sync in rekordbox
Rekordbox 5 MIDI Clock Sync and Ableton Link for crying out loud!
Rekordbox: Intelligent Playlists Filter by Playlist
Sorting library by more than one column.
BPM values and percent to two decimal places DDJ-1000 & RB Performance
Option to keep Hot Cues in chronological order
Pioneer DJ Support on this forum is nonexistent right now
Move the "Centre" line to the left, see more of what's coming/less of what's been and gone
We need really smart playlists
XDJ-XZ Performance mode Info display
Suggestion: Side-by-Side Waveform View with mockup
question about coloured key
Additional column on RX3 browse screen.
Opus Quad slip mode
RX3- more than 2 columns in the browser view
Be able to see folders and sub-folders content
Video and audio files in the same folder???
Rekordbox Video Improvements
Overlay bar lines on waveform: 4, 8, 16, 32
Duplicate Tracks In Collection
Toraiz NOT ANNONCED improvements by categories. freely add to it- EDITED TOP POST