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Toraiz Comments

Pioneer Toraiz Team

I like the physical layout of the Toraiz is nice and conducive to live performance which I find critically important. It's nice to have the physical buttons and flip through the mute/slice/scale real quick.  The thing that struck me right away after setting up and diving in was that everything was very intuitive. I'll probably RTFM soon though to find the hidden gems.

I came in to Toraiz late last year and just after you had release V1.2 which was great because I needed the midi features. I bought a midi box to split midi to 8 thru ports. Right now I have Toraiz controlling 5 midi devices with a few more planned. It's pretty sick. What would be nice for midi is to be able to use a keyboard to play the notes in and record and to have some polyphony. It'd kinda make everything just perfect for my setup. 

Hardware/software mixed dev isn't the easiest thing in the world and it's nice to see ongoing updates.  I've just had a horrible experience with some (censored brand) products, support doesn't even get back to me and they don't even have product updates to fix glaring issues so it's nice to see a pioneer staff member taking in feedback and seeing a schedule for product updates. Community communication is critical, gives me confidence in your brand and shows that there is an on going future to your product.

Only been a couple months with Toraiz but I am having a blast being finally off the computer and back into jamming mode for making music.

Will come back and post some vids soon.


Thanks dev teams and pioneer community guy.










Hi prono bozo,

That's great to hear! We're listening to the feedback here and really appreciate seeing the passion and community forming around the TORAIZ SP-16. We’ve implemented changes raised in this forum.

Pioneer DJ Support

Stephen Herdman
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You can offset each trigger 47 places to the left and right, so it seems the Toraiz has 48*4=192 PPQ resolution. You can turn off record quantization for the pads in the BPM/Quantize menu. So I don't see why the Toraiz wouldn't be able to record external midi properly?

Lech 1 票
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Recording external midi definitely seems like a no brainer. Along with that would be the ability to turn quantize on or off when recording external midi. So keyboard lines could have a bit of a human feel.

srmaietta 0 票
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I am not sure how they could turn quantize off with a X0X style 16 step sequencer. Everything needs to fall on a step +/- a few ticks and only 16 steps.

Midnight Music Club 0 票
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^ Depends on the sequencer PPQ, of which there is no mention of in the manual or on their site. I'd love to know what it is.

Simon Fine 0 票
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It would still only be able to acknowledge 1 note per step (unless you create a chord after), 16 steps total per bar.

Midnight Music Club 0 票
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Lech (I think we've posted on the Toraiz FB group!), isn't that trigger offset an arbitrary division, and not a basis to calculate the PPQ? The squarp pyramid uses 96PPQ and records my polyphonic noodlings with no audible difference, so I wonder why the Toraiz does audibly change some of my monophonic recordings with no quantize on? I would be very surprised if the SP16 has 192 PPQ, I'd say less.

Simon Fine 0 票
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How did you get the TORAIZ to control other devices? I have no way to getting this done ATM..

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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"Right now I have Toraiz controlling 5 midi devices with a few more planned. It's pretty sick. What would be nice for midi is to be able to use a keyboard to play the notes in and record and to have some polyphony. It'd kinda make everything just perfect for my setup." - prono bozo (Pioneer Community Guy)

If you could just be the champ you are and explain how this is successfully executed, you will then be no doubt the "Pioneer Community Man." I'm currently experiencing the most frustration with this issue and while I have great faith in the TORAIZ, the motivation is SLOWLY beginning  to dissipate. 


Please help.

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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Version 1.2 - Most certainly done

Enable MIDI Note/CC OUT and IN in setup - Haven't done that

Set device to specific track and work within it - Most certainly done

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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Note CC i's enabled for IN and OUTchannel is set, MIDI wire in the out slot I'm still getting no sound.. What's going on here? Please tell m this isn't a waste $1,500 I really need to get to work..


Mitchell Similien 0 票
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This is not an SP-16 issue.

Make sure midi note/cc are enabled for the output
Make sure your midi cable is good.
Make sure your synth is on the same midi channel as the track on the SP-16.
Make sure your synth is set to receive midi note/cc data from an external source.

That's about all there is to it. If it's still not working, refer to the manual for your synth.

Midnight Music Club 0 票
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@promo bozo it's been set to channel 11 for track 11 which the pad track I'm using for midi track.

@Craigslist Lambert all is in check (the midi cable works perfect for sampling the synth). I just can't seem to understand why the SP won't generate the sounds after all the options being set correctly. Shold I be using USB MIDI instead of the 5 pin cable?

I've also thoroughly consulted both manuals and see no other way to turn.

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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Now I'm confused. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Midi cable for sampling the synth? This doesn't make sense. The audio out of your synth needs to go in to a mixing board or something. If hooked up correctly, when you hit a pad on the SP, the synth will produce sound. You would have to set up another "thru" track if you want to have the synth hooked up to the inputs of the SP, monitor it through the SP and be able to play/sequence it from the SP at the same time. One track for midi, one track for audio. Get a mixing board if you don't have one.

Midnight Music Club 0 票
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@PromoBozo I'm definitely appreciative of your help although my v1.2 toraiz simply isn't cooperating with the details. I literally have everything set in the fashion you've demonstrated and nothing has changed. I'm pulling hairs out at this point.

Should I enable the BYPASS button, what would that affect?

What irks me is that this machine won't even give me a clear indication yo what is missing.

No Official explanation from Pioneer?

They should maybe send me a new one..

I can take photos to show you the validity of my confusion.

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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@Craigslist Lambert both are connected to my focusrite and play perfectly individually. What I wish to do is control the notes from the SP16 as shown in the MIDI OUT video released by Pioneer. And yes of course sequence on the SP 16 as well. Have I mistaken myself here?

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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@Prono bozo The audio of the JD-XI is going into my focusrite 2i2 and sound's perfect when I play it independently.

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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And may I mention The JD XI is set to slave instead of master in the midi options of its internals. And again, is assigned the same channel of the pad I wish to operate from.

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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Try another synth. It's not the SP. You may need to disable midi input filters on your roland. Have you ever sequenced or tried to play the Roland from any other gear?

Midnight Music Club 0 票
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@CraigLambert I have a Novation circuit I can try out. And no I haven't played the JD-XI with anything else. The Toraiz was what I've been anticipating to be the reason for my purchasing of hard synths.

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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This is caveman level work and I've retraced my steps countless times. Maybe I happened to purchase a defunct machine. After all I did purchase The SP 16 back in August. Perhaps Pioneer should replace it since it's not delivering it's purpose.

Mitchell Similien 0 票
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okay one more thing. Go into the midi channel and touch the keyboard icon.  what octave is the root note set as?  C5?   maybe try C4 or C2.  

pronobozo 0 票
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